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'Minecraft' Mod Fosters a Collaborative Effort against Climate Change

A Minecraft modder has introduced new gameplay issues for players to tackle in the form of climate change. Nick Porillo's GlobalWarming mod alters atmosphere according to specific actions, like smelting ores. As climate change becomes more common and temperatures rise, the temperature will increase. This will result in more carbon emissions, which could result in intense storms, forest fires and a decrease in snowfall.

Planting trees to absorb carbon dioxide could help combat the impacts of climate change. You can purchase carbon offsets to combat the issue on a larger scale. This gives other players a bounty for planting trees , which is in line with the mod's idea of working together to fight climate change.

"If the majority of players do not agree to be near-carbon-neutral in how they play, then the carbon score will only increase during the game. Once the damage negatively impacts the players, they'll start paying back the 'debt that they incurred," Porillo told Motherboard. bonfire "The idea is that players can make an extra effort in the beginning to avoid releasing a lot of smoke, and they can avoid paying the ultimate price."

He is planning to add more features, such as scorecards that allow you to identify the most carbon-neutral players. You can also find out your carbon footprint, and include methane as a greenhouse gas. This mod is compatible with Minecraft Server Java Edition. It is available for download from GitHub.

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