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1. Steps to be followed for saving cancellation = 1,2,3

2.Read the chat mentioned below and identify what went wrong. = Fake Assurance given to the customer

3.Sri ordered "Amritsari Chole Mini Meal" from the "BOX8 - Desi Meals". She reported with support that the food quality (Smelly, taste/preparation) is not up to par. Considering PQ, the agent initiated a refund of INR 124. Select one non-compliance parameter by referring to the screenshot below = Compensation provided more than the policy

4.Read the following chat and choose the observations from it = Both b and c

5.Select the non-compliance parameters by reading the chat below = Both a and c

6.Customer (Karma- Silver good history) complained about the quality of the food as he received burnt roti, which was verified by the image. As a resolution, the agent provided the compensation worth 100% of the item value under the tag "Wrong Order." Select an option to identify the non-compliance parameter. = Incorrect tag/attribution selected

7. A chat is considered non-compliant chat if = All of the above

8.Complete the sentence by selecting one correct option. "A chat cannot be escalated to an SOS safety hazard when..... = the customer threatens the agent that he will escalate the concern on social media

9.If you inform the CX "I will make sure that this feedback is shared with the relevant partner" and do not share the feedback, is that Fake assurance? = Yes

10.If a bronze customer threatens to go on social media and using social triggering keywords over the call. Which tagging needs to be done for the same? = Social Warning on call

11.Shalini ordered 1 Shahi paneer and 2 butter naan. She reported on support that Shahi paneer is missing.
Which tag should be used for this scenario? = Missing Item main item

12.If agent is on call with the customer, they need to maintain IRT on chat. = False. IRT is not considered while on call.

13."We will ensure that you never face such issues in future" - is this false promise to the customer? = Yes

14.Which of the below option will you follow for saving cancellation: = All of the above

15.In the canned response "/promo IND" will you update the Amount after the INR? = Yes

16.Can we refund promo in case of Missing item, FND and VNV = No

17.Will you use canned response "/promo IND" while sharing the details instead of copy paste the response from Smartplug Area? = Yes

18.Cx is trying to avail Free Delivery on order above INR 1000 and the item value is only 980 but the final bill is showing INR 1020. What does the CX need to do to get free delivery? = They need to add items worth INR 20 more

19.Which of the following errors will lead process non-compliant or 0 quality score? (select all correct Answers) = dont select Abrupt closure and Incorrect/No refund TAT shared

20.What is compliance? = Following all the rules and protocols while handling customers on chat and calls as well
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