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1st nd 3rd unit very important(diagram must) use black nd blue pen, neatly attempt
Prokaryotic eukaryotic diff
Plant nd animal CM different
Cell organelle with diagram mention or not
Nucleus components nd function nd diagrama
Chromosome position on centromere classification
Plasma membrane fluid mosaic model
ER smooth nd rough diff nd diagram
Lysosome general structure
Mitochondria imp
Chloroplast imp
Cytoskeleton imp
Any one microtubule structure
Cell cycle nd cell division (7) imp
Check points also diagram
Mitosis nd meiosis diagram
Ribosomes difference in eukaryotic ribo nd prokaryotic ribo(7)
Bacteria ( complete structure nd morphology) gram negative nd positive diff. Cell wall structure
Meiosis nd mitosis indirect ques.
Somantic, germline cell division(7)
Reductional cell division.

Fungi classification imp
Remaining short notes topics
Virus classification based on dna Or rna
Litic and lysosenic general characteristics

Basic of genetic
Mendalin nd non mendalin
Types nd diff.
Laws (7-8)
Linkage exception of independent assortment nd why called so
Crossing over nd recombination
Genetic map or linkages map
Sex linked genes disorder
Chromosomal theory salient feature short notes
Mutations imp classification
Frameshift etc
Mutagens imp what
Sry geese drosophila male female hormone coding for sex determination humans also
Diff extra chromosomal/uniparental nd mendalin inheritance
Plastid nd mitochondria inheritance example
Exchange of genetic material imp in details
Diff b/w the three types
Griffit example
Mechanism of the types
Conjugation - f positive fhr
Trabsduction- lytic nd lysogenic
Transformation details

Nucleosome imp structure
Chromatin - histone + dna
Role of nucleosome in dna
6 feet dna in micrometer cell packaging with the help of histone protein
Super coiled form ( condensation of dna at the stage late prophase Or
metaphase) imp
Dna linker - which histone protein
Diagram nd role of nucleosome
Phenotypic nd genotypic diff. B/w frequencies with example in details nd diagram
Gentic terminology
1 nd 2 from unit 1(5, 5,7)
3 question (8×2) unit 2
4-5 from unit 3(5, 5,7)
6 from unit 2 (8×2)
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