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"Fuck," Akaashi exhaled with relief, allowing his voice to mark the ending of his high. While he was still throbbing, Akaashi gathered the energy to look back at him in amusement.

"Time to shower, and time for me to change the sheets," Bokuto exhaled deeply without sounding frustrated. Though, he didn't seem like getting up anytime soon.

Akaashi felt better as the intoxicated effect wore off little by little. He still felt his muscles sore from all the clenching and tension. The closeness of intimacy also wore off, though neither particularly took sex for granted. Neither were hasty to separate and pretend it didn't happen. Akaashi was the one to overthink, in contrast to Bokuto's calm expression.

Bokuto pushed himself to get his phone but it started vibrating for no reason. Though Akaashi had seen it before, a view of Bokuto was always nice. The view reminded him of retrieving his briefs to shield himself from the cold. He didn't have the energy, but he refused to remove his legs from the comfortable bed. Luckily, the briefs were just within reach for his hand. As the phone was spammed with calls, Bokuto knew it was his painful best friend.

Bokuto Koutarou: Be thankful you're texting me NOW.

Kuroo Tetsurou: ?????????????

Kuroo Tetsurou: Anyway, just wanted to update you. She's been fast asleep for an hour, we fed her pancakes for night food, and Kenma and I are just on the couch.

Bokuto Koutarou: Oh, okay good. Thank you, did you wish her good night from me?

Kuroo Tetsurou: Well, I did try calling but you didn't reply. I did anyway though. Have fun the rest of the night :)

Bokuto Koutarou: You're too nice <3 Enjoy your time with Kenma, and tell him I said hi.

Kuroo Tetsurou: Will do! See youuuuuuuu, brother

Bokuto shut the texting app. Now he felt bad about not answering the phone earlier. Stealing a peek at Akaashi, he snorted at how destroyed he looked. In retrospect, Bokuto calmly pondered over how the sex got more emotional than intended. Of course, he had no intention of completely objectifying him and lack every sensible emotion. Bokuto didn't mind. He wasn't against it. It just set off a few questions in his head. One thing was certain, tonight had been special in its ways Bokuto couldn't fathom.

He shut the phone off to avoid ignoring Akaashi right after sex. One, it would get awkward, and two, spending time with him was better anyway.

"How do you feel?" Bokuto asked genuinely. Nothing painful was involved to his knowledge, but it was good to ask regardless.

"Like I got drunk on sex. I mean it, I got back on earth just now," Akaashi chuckled lightly and shook his head in disbelief.

"And you?" Akaashi returned the safety question. Once again, the green flags around the golden-eyed were marching around him like an orchestra.

"No words," Bokuto replied rapidly and shrugged his shoulders slower to signal the honesty in that response. He had no words at all.

"By the way, feel free to use the shower first. I'll get you some spare clothes. Shirt, jeans, anything you'd want?" Bokuto added and insisted on him feeling fresher first.

"If I get to help with switching sheets and all," Akaashi retorted to keep him from doing all the work. Sometimes his hospitality could reach new levels. While they were green flags only, and a natural part of Bokuto's personality at this point. Akaashi felt compelled, and wished to return the gestures.

"Fine," Bokuto gave in softly. He couldn't find it in himself to treat Akaashi like a very important guest. Working together was something Bokuto was unfamiliar with. Akaashi should be a reasonable person to work with.

He was right. The fear of feeling as if he put Akaashi into slavery faded. The two had fun struggling throughout changing the bedsheet. Further, Akaashi forced his energy into launching the duvet to unfold the new cover. Bokuto had to laugh at how cute he looked while putting in an effort.

"This is not at me at my strongest," Akaashi defended himself whilst laughing, still proud of himself for managing to change the duvet's sheet at least.

"No, I'm not laughing at that," Bokuto assured him and shook his head. Akaashi allowed his arms to slump back naturally and made sure the corners fit properly.

Only the pillow was left, but it only took a second to change the pillowcase. While Bokuto lived there, he ushered Akaashi to get in first. He couldn't protest after looking at his stern, yet soft look waiting for him to enter the bathroom. Akaashi finally closed the door after him to look around the warmer room. The stack of shampoos, body lotions, and conditioners was placed in a neat on the side of the bathtub. It looked comfortable, despite him being used to standing in the shower.

Bokuto carefully thought about clothing for Akaashi. He was about to go home anytime soon judging from his own presumption. He heard the water run, which means he figured out how it worked by himself. Along with mindlessly looking at each piece of clothing in his closet, he had the chance to think. It was nothing like when one brought back a person from the bar or at a party. Of course, Akaashi meant more to him than situational intimacy.

He didn't want to make Akaashi wait. Rather than thinking farther and farther, he thought of colors to compliment him. Something of a contrast to compliment his bright color palette. As good-looking as he was, Akaashi could suit a blanket for a shirt. After debating with himself for a while, he landed on a burgundy t-shirt with white sweatpants for comfort. He picked up new briefs, in case. In the end, he realized he forgot to give Akaashi a towel beforehand. He got too excited for choosing his outfit.

The water turned down earlier than anticipated. Bokuto had gathered a big and comfortable towel large enough to warm him entirely. He ended up wrapping the clothes with the towel for easy access. Bokuto was ready to deliver his set of clothes and turned to knock at the door.

"One, you're a fast showerer. Two, I forgot to give you a towel in advance. I got it here," Bokuto stated sheepishly and let out a snort. A short silence emerged before he heard a twist of the key.

"Thank you," Akaashi's voice echoed in the bathroom. He dreaded opening the door to welcome the cold. He soon saw Bokuto's self which replaced the heat from earlier. Another action, another green flag emerged.

Bokuto found it cute how water droplets would fall off his curls and land on his naked shoulder. He was fast to finally hand the set over to save him from the cold. Akaashi was shivering slightly which snapped him back to reality. Akaashi retrieved the set with gratitude and hated to close the door so fast.

In the end, Bokuto found himself sitting on the edge of the bed. He soon had to choose his outfit. On a lazy day like this, he preferred to wear sweatpants and a hoodie. He made sure they matched though. His attention to his closet was disrupted as the door opened. Akaashi wore the burgundy tee and white sweatpants he picked out.

"Is this okay?" Bokuto asked upon catching his faint shivers. Akaashi nodded in reassurance and insisted it would be okay in a few minutes of adjustment.

Bokuto's turn lasted longer than his. Meanwhile, Akaashi looked around to notice any details. He noticed the open closet to faintly make out what colors he owned. Akaashi raised his eyebrows in awe at his volleyball jersey and shorts. Even if it hung by a hanger, he could make out the interesting detail. Number 12. 12 became a pretty number in his head. Especially with his name printed on it.

His body stopped shivering under the new sheets. The warmth of everything added to his mellow, happy feeling. It was fascinating what effects Bokuto had on him after months. Even thinking about the devil made the door twist open. Akaashi shamelessly looked toward the door to uncover the broader man hiding under a hoodie. His wet mop of waves reached his forehead, while the rest of his hair was covered by the hood.

"Are you hungry by the way?" Bokuto asked from the top of his head. Akaashi was surprised at the question but gave it a thought. It had been hours since he had eaten the last time. Akaashi nodded after concluding that he was. Bokuto's homemade food was fantastic, so he was very satisfied.

"I don't have enough at home for us, but there's late night restaurants nearby," Bokuto looked anywhere but him as an embarrassing sign. However, he broke into a sheepish smile to glimpse Akaashi's reaction. It was impossible not to display positivity when Akaashi wore his clothes. It was the most cliche circumstance ever. Yet, something was different about it.

"Let's go," Akaashi showed no opposition to the idea. He flung the duvet off his legs and got ready to go on adventures with Bokuto again. He was just happy his stay didn't end right there and then.

"New plan. Take this hoodie before we go," Bokuto decided to add an exterior layer of safe clothing to keep him warm. He wouldn't risk Akaashi getting sick or too cold right after showering. Even his toss was gentle to not let the material accidentally hit him in the face.

Ultimately, Akaashi ended up wearing a beanie too. Bokuto chose a few curls to peek out of it for the visual effect. Perhaps because he was fond of Akaashi's hair. Bokuto knit together his hood to firmly fit around his head. They were ready to leave for a night's drive to get a late-night snack. As if the house tour wasn't a date, the following would be the sweetest date they'd had.

Akaashi's heart ached while he laughed to himself. Bokuto had told him to stay inside for a few minutes to let him heat the car a little, first. He exhaled deeply while studying his phone screen for that text of approval. As he stared longingly at the texting app, he grew confident of something. Something he was ready to admit to himself.

Bokuto Koutarou: It's comfortable and warm. I fixed the front seat heating too B) Just lock the door and be quick.

Akaashi stupidly couldn't wait to be reunited with him in his car. He considered that Bokuto could see him and jogged lightly after locking his front door. He wouldn't lie when finding the thick material protecting from the outdoor cold. Akaashi sighed in relief once he found his seat in the front. With their belts clicked on, it was clear they were set to go.

"So, I put on my night vibe music. It mainly consists of chill music ranging between acoustic and just soft rap?" Bokuto questioned his terminology at the end but increased the sound to a sensible volume. Akaashi nodded in understanding and listened to the indie music. It set the mood perfectly between them. Guitars, light drums, and melodies to hum to.

"No dubstep?" Akaashi teased over the sweet music. Bokuto clenched his jaw and poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue. He didn't display the actual level of embarrassment he felt. Instead of looking back at him, he let out an airy laugh.

"Shut it," Bokuto felt comfortable with exposing his ability to joke around. It would have been inappropriate for a date, but they were in a different state. It was something between them, that only they shared.

Akaashi snorted at his expression and turned back to listen to the compilation. Piano, false rain, and light vocals set the mood once again. It was awful how the songs were the sounds to fall in love with. In addition, they were perfect for deepening his feelings for Bokuto. Examining his golden eyes focusing on the road, yet gearing without looking at the stick. Their memories created a timeline in Akaashi's mind. From the first time he calmed him down from embarrassment to having sex. It had been a long road. Akaashi got arrows in his back if the psychic truly was involved. He was falling in love.

Neon lights, street lights, and lights from rooms from higher buildings. They dictated what hue of color his face would be painted. His tanner skin would look greener, more yellow, or pinker. His lips too would acquire different shades. Falling in love felt like a domino effect. One thing led to another. One day led to another day. One date led to another. One feeling led to another. Lastly, it led to feelings turning into a sense of shaping love. Akaashi was sure he only needed a few nights like this to be completely in love. The explosives in his body were ready to detonate any time soon.

"Late night drives," Akaashi sighed dreamily and looked out the window. He didn't realize how stress-relieving they were. He had forgotten about work tomorrow, too.

"With you," Bokuto smirked at the purposely cheesy and cliche response. While it was meant as a joke, he did mean it.

"Romeo," Akaashi clutched his heart at the response and snorted at their tinder level of flirting. The difference was the irony and self-awareness.

"With you too, though. You drive well," Akaashi brushed the compliment off with a genuine positive comment. Bokuto nodded in agreement as he turned on the blinker. What a perfect moment to praise his skills. Before Bokuto replied, they were soon in a parking lot for a small restaurant. It seemed local from the looks of it. It was a simple burger shop. In their defense, there weren't that many burger shops like this.

The appealing vibe urged them to eat inside. Neon lights worded the apparent restaurant's name out. They were alone at this hour and it created the perfect atmosphere for them. Even the menu had a cute color palette they admired together in a conversation.

They were fast to order and receive the food due to the empty circumstances. It was as if the entire room was booked for them. Some arrived to pick up their food only. It was the perfect opportunity to talk and get to know each other even better.

"Are you somehow related to the outskirts of the city?" Bokuto asked a particularly specific question. Akaashi didn't question it at all. He did acknowledge the odd nature of it.

"I do have cousins and family there. Otherwise, not really," Akaashi replied with a shrug before eating his fries first. This late-night date couldn't be more perfect. The restaurant played jazz tunes in the background.

"Oh, I was wondering whether you were more dependent on driving there," Bokuto theorized from his train of thoughts. Akaashi shook his head from the slight misunderstanding. Suddenly, it was time to be ashamed.

"I don't have my license yet," Akaashi chuckled nervously. Bokuto widened his eyes and shook his head quickly.

"No, it's not embarrassing. A driver's license isn't everything. Besides, who would bother going through the pain of traffic? Sorry if I put you on the spot for a second," it was Bokuto's turn to be embarrassed for accidentally making Akaashi feel uncomfortable.

"Thank you. No no, don't worry about it. It's annoying to wait for buses and trams a lot of times," Akaashi pointed out and shrugged his shoulders. He seemed more comfortable as Bokuto displayed so much understanding.

They took time to eat their respective food. Instead of an awkward air surrounding them, they did glance at each other a few times. Akaashi was relieved not to be alone anymore. He had to sneak secret glances before they dated. It was more comforting to be met with his golden eyes that might have had brown specks in them.

Their plates gradually got emptied as their glasses felt lighter and lighter. More importantly, the two felt fuller and fuller. Both of them leaned back against their chairs and glanced at each other once more. The jazz made up for what would be an awkward moment in others' eyes. Bokuto nodded toward the exit, but already walked toward the counter. Akaashi shook his head in disappointment as Bokuto already tapped the card against the terminal.

"Seriously?" Akaashi asked as he walked up to his date. Bokuto shrugged his shoulders as if to genuinely reply.

"It's nothing, I promise you," Bokuto looked directly into his eyes to build trust. He was being genuine instead of proper. Akaashi didn't want to cause a scene, even if it were playful, in the building. They exited the small diner-themed restaurant with the receipt in Bokuto's hand.

"Have you heard of rotation and letting others treat you?" Akaashi asked sarcastically, though he nearly meant it. Bokuto shook his head to play along.

"No," Bokuto hummed and lowered his eyebrows in thought. Akaashi responded by narrowing his eyes and looking at him with a half-serious expression.

"Anything for you, Keiji," Bokuto broke out of his jokes and traced his shoulder lightly. Bokuto almost left his expression left in awe and butterflies emerged in his abdomen. If fantasies and dreams were false, this reality didn't make any sense.

As they were seated in the started engine, Akaashi realized he might be dropped off. His faint disappointment only lasted for a second before being brought back to that part of reality too. He was going too far with acting upon his feelings.

"You can drop me off on the way. I could walk for a few minutes," Akaashi reassured him to make life easier for Bokuto too.

Bokuto turned to look extensively at Akaashi even before moving the car. As if he were studying his expression, Bokuto raised his eyebrow. Akaashi turned into a question mark with his analytic behavior. Suddenly, Bokuto's expression softened as usual.

"You... can sleep over if you want to," Bokuto suggested before turning to face Akaashi again. The suggestion took him by surprise. It was as if Bokuto had read the disappointment beneath his face. Didn't he hide it well enough? Did he want to?

"Home tour, late night drive, late night snack, and now sleepover?" Akaashi questioned with a playful expression on his face. Amused, Bokuto nodded as if he had realized something.

"Tired of me. I get it, Keiji. It's okay. You've reached your limit of spending time with me. It's fine" Bokuto pretended to take it as a rejection and conceal his offense. In reality, he wasn't offended at all. He knew Akaashi accepted the suggestion. Unless?

"There's a limitation, you know," Akaashi tch'ed and shrugged his shoulders defensively. Rather than laughing, Bokuto seemed to frown to be falsely upset. Akaashi questioned it for a second until he drove out of the parking lot without much disturbance.

"I see what you're doing now. Sex, new clothes, getting spoiled with food, and then going home," Bokuto accused him falsely whilst trying not to laugh or smirk. Akaashi gasped loudly at the timing of his own tricks and jokes.

"No, stop that. I was joking, I was joking. I'd love to sleep over," Akaashi plead and restricted himself from smacking his shoulder. He looked over to see a playful smirk on his face.

Instead of explaining that he was joking too, Bokuto couldn't stop laughing at the terror on Akaashi's face. He scoffed from being laughed at but ended up smiling at his date's stupidity.

"Idiot," Akaashi mumbled under his breath even jokingly. Bokuto snorted at the soft name-calling. He needed a lighthearted ability to joke and poke fun at each other.

"Playboy. I know you've been plotting this day. The psychic told me," Bokuto clicked his tongue and shook his head in disbelief. He hadn't gotten over the terror on Akaashi's face, which was replaced with a lighthearted scowl.

"My god, not the psychic again," Akaashi groaned lightly at the mention of the quack booth. It was nothing but a scam, even though it made a funny one.

"She brought us together, all the way to our sleepover," Bokuto sighed while turning toward the familiar road toward his home.

Akaashi couldn't disagree with the statement, as much as he wanted to.

Bokuto wondered how it would feel to have an important person beside him in his bed.

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