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Shining Armor's lips parted wide, giving Twilight another gust of his breath as he revealed his dark, pink, open maw to his sister. Twilight stared wondrously at the inside of her brother's mouth, noting in her head how moist it looked inside, a strand of saliva connecting from the base of one of his molars to the bitter palate of his slippery, oily tongue. The white teeth set in the top and the bottom jaw helped frame the dark passageway to his stomach, the entrance to his esophagus with the dangling muscle hanging precariously overhead.

“Whoa,” Twilight thought as she reluctantly took her first step towards Shining Armor's open mouth. The behemoth tongue settled onto the tile floor, giving it a bland taste on Shining's palate, but it was about to change the second Twilight would lay her hoof on his tasting organ. The lavender hoof settled down on the tongue, and as the bumpy tastebuds would have it, a signal was transferred to Shining Armor's nerves and to a part of his brain, telling him that the first thing he was tasting was like a mixture of plum and tart raspberry flavor.

Twilight climbed onto the tongue now, the little pitter-patter of hooves like the tickle of a little bug's legs to Shining Armor, and took in the senses of her brother's mouth. The tongue was indeed slick and moist from saliva, but the inside of the mouth that constantly transitioned to cool and extremely humid with every airy breath taken in and expelled from Shining's lungs. Twilight moved her pencil and scribbled down the ominously threatening teeth around her area, from the chomping incisors at the front to the mashing molars near the back. It was becoming interesting for Twilight, really, to have an up-close look of the equine mouth.

"Fascinating," Twilight muttered to herself before turning her attention to her brother. "Okay, Shiny, what I need you to do next is to go and find something simple to snack on! I have an apple that I haven't eaten with my lunch, so that should do the trick!"

"OKAY!" came Shining Armor's voice at a deafening volume that made Twilight cover her ears and scream.

"Shining, lower your voice! I'm in your mouth, remember!? Everything you say at an indoor voice is like me getting blasted by stereo speakers on maximum!"

"OH!" Shining gasped before he quickly realized his mistake. "I mean, oh. Is that better, Twily?"

"Much, thank you!"

Shining Armor closed his mouth and looked around Twilight's room to look for the apple, easily distracted by the delicious, fruity flavor of his sister in his mouth, and the feeling of her trying to keep her balance on his tongue with her scurrying movements. He tried so hard not to swallow the little filly, but his urges to savor her like a little piece of fruit was becoming too much for the stallion. He shivered and whimpered uncontrollably, and just as his sister was about to say something, he brought his tongue to the roof of his mouth, and suckled on Twilight's shrunken body. He moaned in delight, blocking out the screams of his sister.

After Shining Armor closed his mouth, Twilight was left in a prison of darkness, humidity, and slippery slick moisture, with her magenta-colored magic being the only dim light inside. The unicorn tried to hold her stance on Shining Armor's tongue, but the saliva and the movements of his head made it so hard, she nearly fell face first into her brother's tasting organ. The tongue undulated a little, as if it wanted to push her back into the esophagus and send her deep into the stomach of her BBBFF where she would not only be part of his after-lunch snack, but she would miss the chewing, the first stage of digestion.

A deafening, teen-like whimper rang all over the interior of the mouth, causing Twilight to cover her ears again. "Shiny, what are you...?"

Before she knew it, Shining Armor’s tongue skyrocketed and pinned Twilight to the roof of his mouth, causing her to squeal as she felt his brother tasting her. “Shiny, what are you doing!? Lower your tongue right now!”

The thunderous moans from Shining’s throat confirmed Twilight’s fears; she tasted good, and Shining Armor was enjoying his living treat. Twilight screamed as the tongue lowered and curled to the shape of a “U”, catching the flavor from both sides while she was being rolled over on her back, covering her in saliva. Her open-mouthed scream made it possible for a drop of saliva to enter her mouth, causing her to choke on it a bit while she unwillingly downed her brother's spit and it settled into an upsetting stomach.

"Shiny!" Twilight choked. "Shining Armor, STOP!"

Outside, Shining Armor shivered pleasurably as he played with his little sister's flavor, rolling her over with his tongue. He moaned again as he scooped up Twilight with his tongue and pressed her against his cheek, humming to his enjoyment of the fruity taste and the struggles she made on his tastebuds. Twilight, on the other hoof, was being tortured by the very tasting organ belonging to the very same pony she hoped would help her with her anatomy. She was lifted up by the tip of her brother's tongue and slammed into the malleable, fleshy wall, flailing her limbs around to get Shining Armor to stop what he was doing, but that only added flavor to his palate.

"Shining Armor! Stop! For the love of Celestia, please STOP!!!"

Her louder-than-usual voice finally fell onto Shining Armor's sensitive ears, as it made him freeze up and open his mouth wide, letting in all of the light into his maw and all the excess drool to drip out of his mouth. "Aw, no. Twily, I'm so sorry!" he said, his mouth full of his sister. "Are you okay, kid!?"

Twilight groaned dizzily. Her senses were shaken up, her head was swimming like it was swept up in a maelstrom, and her breathing was deep, but overall, she was alright. "Shiny, what did you do that for!? Didn't your forget that I was still in your mouth and now you've treated me like I was some piece of candy!?"

"Oh, Twily, I'm sorry. It as just that..." Shining Armor shivered. " just tasted so good, I couldn't help myself."

The filly sighed; she could understand why she tasted so good. Just last night, she accidentally spilled plum and raspberry juice all over herself when she was trying quell her midnight thirst. The colors were washed off, but the flavors were still stuck to her fur. "It's alright, Shiny, just refrain from swallowing until we begin the research, okay?”

“Okay,” Shining Armor said before he closed his mouth, trapping his sister inside. He looked over the room, and on the bed was Twilight’s aforementioned apple, red, ripe, and ready for the feasting. “Found it.”

“Great!” Twilight said, hopping on the malleable tongue. “Now, I want you to take a bite out of that apple and keep chewing until I say you can swallow.”

“You sure about this? You do realize that if I chew that apple up, you might get chewed up as well.”

“Hey, protection spell, remember?” Twilight reminded. “No matter how hot the acids or how hard the pressure, nothing’s gonna do me in like that.”

She fell on her haunches and rubbed her hooves together with anticipation. “Besides, if this is what’ll give me an ‘A’ on my essay for science class, then this is gonna be worth it.”

Twilight felt a deep, hot gust of air blow on her back as Shining Armor heaved another defeated, uncertain sigh. “Whatever you say, Twilight,” the giant’s voice resounded as he brought the apple to his mouth, his jaws parting and the lips opening to welcome the red apple to its final destination.

Before the incisors tore into the skin of the apple, Twilight cast a magical aura in the form of a sphere around her, blinking magenta flashes a few times for effect just as the teeth chomped through the apple with ease and tongue jolted. Then in a slow, chomping motion, Shining Armor clamped and unclamped his jaws, reducing the apple to a crunchy pulp, liquefying the fruit into mush because of his saliva. Almost immediately after the first bite, Twilight began to hastily scribble down her observations and dictated them to herself as she went along the way.

"The incisor teeth, also commonly known as the front teeth, is used to cut down food that enters the mouth. While in the process of mastication, the molar teeth grinds the food down into little bits with the saliva reduces solid food into a liquid-like substance. This is the first step into the process of digestion."

Twilight finished her notes with perfect timing as Shining Armor's tongue tossed her along with some apple to the right side of the molars, flinging her onto the top of the enamel as the top jaws came down on her. Twilight squealed and flinched, squeezing her eyes shut as she waited to get crushed under her brother's teeth. But she didn't feel any pain. Instead, when opening one eye, Twilight saw the top half of the jaw hadn't crashed on her, but on an indestructible shield that she conjured earlier. Smiling at her successful casting of her spell, Twilight rolled off of the molar and back onto Shining Armor's tongue, allowing the molar to crunch down on the rest of the apple chunk.

“Whoa, that was close,” Twilight said to herself. “Looks like I might make it through to write my research, no problem.”

“Twily? Are you doing okay?” Shining Armor’s voice came through.

“Yeah, I’m alright!” Twilight yelled to her gigantic brother.

“Oh, good. After I couldn’t bite down with that last bite, I was afraid I might’ve chewed you up.”

“Not entirely. My protection spell… well, protected me just as you chomped up the apple.”

“Thank goodness that you plan ahead of these things, Twily,” Shining Armor complimented. "So, now what?"

"And now, it's time for the main event..." Twilight said as she placed her pencil behind her ear and enforced another layer of the protective sphere around her. "Shining Armor, I would like you to do the honors.”

Shining Armor sighed as he knew what Twilight was referring to. It was high time that he helped his sister out, but he didn't want to do it just yet. Shining Armor had to show Twilight the last light of day before she would be banished to the dark pits of his stomach. "Alright," Shining Armor said, trotting towards Twilight's mirror and opening his mouth up wide.

In the reflection of the glass, Twilight saw her and Shining Armor in the mirror, his azure eyes gazing at the tiny-sized unicorn in the middle of his tongue. To think, Twilight had willingly volunteered to become part of Shining Armor's snack in an effort to pass her science exam, and now there she was, standing his wet, hot mouth, surrounded by strands of saliva and a mulched chunk of a red delicious apple. The uvula in the back of his mouth dangled over his esophagus, rising and falling for every open-mouthed breath the stallion took.

'So this is what food feels like,' Twilight wondered just as Shining Armor closed his lips, sealing her in darkness. Then, his tongue undulated, sending the apple to the back of his throat, catching the filly in the bolus. With a tilt of his head, Shining Armor opened up his esophagus, and swallowed everything in his mouth down, apple, Twilight and all. He shivered as he felt an apparent bulge slide down his throat and disappear in his underbelly, where he felt it settle in his stomach and his sister’s movements scuttling inside, tickling him. Smiling, Shining Armor took his hoof and gently rubbed his belly, part of him hoping that something doesn’t go wrong with the research as his belly began to gurgle a little.

Twilight’s trip down her brother’s esophagus was a bit thrilling. Even through her protective shielding had kept her from drowning in a deluge of liquefied apple mush, she could barely see anything else beyond it. She never got the chance to witness how the esophagus was shaped, nor did she actually get a good look at the sphincter that squeezed her and the apple through into Shining Armor's stomach.
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