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These days, many tourists are tired of just sitting on the beach or looking at paintings museums. Many enjoy getting back to nature in undeveloped parts of the globe. In fact, the most rapidly growing segment of the tourist industry is eco-tourism, significance such as national tourism in sites that have ecological and mountainous regions, parks and nature preserves in rain forests, deserts, and mountainous regions

Eco-tourism is having significant positive results on these previously remote areas. First and foremost, eco-tourism serves as a substitute for forms of development that would be much more damaging to the environment, such as logging, farming, and manufacturing. And eco-tourism encourages conservation.
Let's say there is a rainforest in a country where several rare species of birds and mammals live. Now, the government could allow to cut down this rain forest and sell the wood and could allow developers to build on this site. instead suppose the government decides to preserve national treasure and to There would then a steady stream of area for revenue from tourists. Local people could find jobs working at small hotels, and tour companies. Many of these natural wonders lie in areas that have been passed over by development of any kind, Eco-tourism provides jobs and better living conditions for people who need it the most.
Both sensitive government and the local people have a vested interest in preserving this wilderness site. And governments can use some of the funds from entry fees to parks and so on to help pay for preservation and protection. Eco tourism, then, is one of those rare situations where all parties benefit tourists. governments, the local people, and especially the animals and plants
Good morning, class. Today I’d like to continue our discussion of tourism and its impact on the economy. Now, I know I’ve said some negative things about tourism—like most industries, tourism has its good points and bad points. One of you brought me an article about what’s called “eco-tourism” or sometimes “green tourism.” I made some copies of this and gave them to you Monday. The author of this article would have you believe that eco-tourism is an entirely good thing. Well, don’t you believe it. One of the points I’ve made over and over in this class is that all development has its positive and its negative sides.
Now, eco-tourism may have less impact than ordinary tourism—it’s better to build a few small lodges in the jungle than a 25-story beach hotel, two swimming pools, and a golf course. But eco-tourism does require infrastructure, especially roads, since tourists have to be able to get to these areas somehow, and building this infrastructure is going to stress delicate environments. There’s going to be more air pollution, water pollution. And, while eco-tourists are supposed to be more environmentally conscious, there’s still going to be problems of litter and so on.
The author says that, if an area is bringing in tourists, the government is going to protect it. Unfortunately, just because an area is officially protected, that doesn’t mean that no one exploits the resources of that area. You can hire people to guard these resources but they can be corrupted, bribed. There’s a good market for the parts of some endangered animals, for tropical hardwoods, for the artifacts of ancient peoples. So you’ve got a lot of illegal hunting, of . . . uh, cutting down trees, of stealing, and the roads just make it easier to do this, to get there and to get those illegal goods out.
And what about the local people who are supposed to benefit so much from this influx of eco-tourist revenue? It’s true; there are usually more jobs than before. But often the local people have the most menial, the lowest-paying jobs available. Not only that, many of the jobs are filled by people from other areas who come there looking for work. And then, there’s cultural pollution, which happens when an isolated society suddenly comes in contact with Western civilization. You have people who were poor farmers or hunter-gatherers one day and the next, they’re talking on cell-phones, they’re surfing the Internet. Societies are changed, customs are lost.
So, once again, eco-tourism and in fact, all tourism has its benefits, but it is not the perfect solution to development.
integrated Writing Task
Responses for this task will vary, but should include the following:

The main point of the article is that eco-tourism is a positive form of development. On the other hand, the speaker says that, like all forms of development, eco-tourism has good points and bad points. The article says that eco-tourism blocks the development of other types of development, such as logging and manufacturing.

The speaker agrees that eco-tourist development may be better than other types of development, including the development of facilities for ordinary tourists. However, she says that there is development, especially road-building, insensitive areas. The article says that an area that is visited by eco-tourists is a resource and that both the government and the local population will be interested in preserving it. The speaker points out that just because an area is protected does not mean that it is not exploited, and that roads make exploitation easier. In the article, the author explains that eco-tourism provides jobs and better conditions for the locals. The speaker says that yes, jobs are provided, but they are generally very poor jobs, and sometimes people from outside the area take the better jobs. Also, there is the problem of “cultural pollution.” Isolated people are brought too quickly into the world of western technology.

In summary, the article emphasizes only the positive side of eco-tourism, saying that everyone benefits, but the speaker points out that eco-tourism also has its negative aspects




(A) In other words, eco-tourism provides jobs and better living conditions for people who need them the most. Both the government and the local people have a vested interest in preserving this sensitive wilderness site. And governments can use some of the funds from entry fees to parks and so onto help pay for preservation and protection. Eco-tourism is one of those rare situations where all parties benefit - tourists, governments, the local people, and especially the animals and plants.

(B) Eco-tourism is tourism in sites that have ecological significance such as national parks and nature preserves in rain forests, deserts, and mountainous regions. Eco-tourism is having significant positive results on these previously remote areas. First and foremost, eco-tourism serves as substitute for forms of development that would be much more damaging to the environment, such as logging, farming, and manufacturing. And eco-tourism encourages conservation.

(C) Let‘s say there is a rainforest in a country where several rare species of birds and mammals live. Now, the government could allow loggers to cut down this rainforest and sell the wood and could allow developers to build on this site. But suppose the government decides to preserve this national treasure and to instead develop this area for eco-tourism. There would then be a steady stream of revenue from tourists. Local people could find jobs working at small hotels, lodges, and tour companies.
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