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Dead Sea Salt Bath Salt
Dead Sea salts are a special kind of bath salt that you can use whenever you like. You can bathe with them whenever you like and they'll draw out any deep seated dirt and impurities. It also draws out oil and other chemicals that clog pores. So, what makes Dead Sea salts so unique? Read on to learn dead sea salts about their benefits. They'll leave you feeling refreshed, clean, and more energetic than ever before!

Bokek Dead Sea Salt by SaltWorks

This premium Dead Sea salt is 100 percent pure and harvests directly from the Dead Sea in Israel. It has a high mineral content and is the only Dead Sea salt that is Optically Clean (a process that uses air jets to gently remove naturally-occurring impurities and insoluble crystals). It is the cleanest Dead Sea salt on the market. This salt is known for its benefits, including its calming properties and ability to help your skin feel more relaxed.

This mineral-rich salt is naturally detoxifying, making it an ideal base for DIY body scrubs, lotions, and serums. It is also an excellent addition to upscale spa treatments. In addition to being beneficial for your skin, Bokek Dead Sea salt can also be used in a foot scrub. Just be sure to clean the salt thoroughly before using it on your skin. For the best results, use a high-quality salt scrub.

This all-natural Dead Sea salt is harvested from the southern Dead Ocean, where the salt has the highest mineral content. It is filtered to remove foreign materials and is free of any additives or chemicals. Bokek Dead Sea salt is the cleanest and most effective raw Dead Sea salt available. Use it as a bath salt blend to soothe aching muscles and joints, or in a bath to promote a good night's sleep.

The company uses a proprietary Optically Clean Technology (OCT) to clean the Dead Sea salt from the surface, making it the purest therapeutic salt on the market. It also uses a computer and video technology to blast away impurities in the salt. This method is a must for any kind of Dead Sea salt, including Bokek. As the company specializes in premium sea salt, it has a wide range of options to satisfy your specific needs.

Bokek Dead Sea lavender bath salt is an all-natural, spa-quality bath salt. Made in the USA, Bokek Dead Sea lavender bath salt contains USDA-certified organic lavender essential oil. Lavender has soothing properties and a relaxing aroma. Combined with Dead Sea salt, the Bokek Lavender Bath Salt provides a rejuvenating bath experience for your skin. Soak for 20 minutes, inhale the aroma of lavender, and drink plenty of water. Repeat the process as often as you like.

Bokek Dead Sea salt by SalWorks offers benefits for a variety of skin conditions. Its mineral content helps the skin retain moisture, cleanses it, fights free radicals, and exfoliates dead skin. Its mineral composition is beneficial for acne, blemishes, and aging skin. In addition to helping your skin stay younger, Dead Sea salt also helps reduce inflammation and soothes achy joints.

Bokek Dead Sea Salt

This luxurious, all-natural bath salt contains a high concentration of minerals found in the Dead Sea. Bokek Dead Sea salt is 8 percent sodium chloride, but is rich in magnesium, sulfates, potassium, and other minerals. These minerals help the skin maintain its natural moisture and balance, while promoting a relaxing bath. These essential oils can also be used as a natural remedy for aching joints, as well as to promote restful sleep.

The mineral content of Dead Sea salt is around 10 times higher than normal sea salt. It is also high in calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. People using Dead Sea salt for baths can feel a huge difference in their skin, especially in areas prone to dryness. It can also be used for other skin care products, including scrubs, lotions, and serums. Dead Sea salt is also organically certified and Kosher, so it is safe to use.

Lavender-scented Bokek Dead Sea Salt is rich in minerals and can promote sleep. When mixed with warm water, Lavender Bokek Dead Sea Bath Salt promotes a peaceful sleep. Add a generous amount to a bathtub of comfortable water and enjoy the calming effect. Then, inhale the fragrance of lavender and drink plenty of water. Repeat as needed for dead sea bath salt . Soak in the salt for 20 minutes, then rinse off with clean, fresh water.

People with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis may benefit from the mineral content of Dead Sea salt. These salts improve the barrier function of the skin and soothe itchy skin. The magnesium flakes in the bath salt help ease these conditions. Additionally, it improves the quality of skin, which can be damaged by the sun, humidity, and environmental factors. It may even improve the condition of the eyes.

If you have high blood pressure, magnesium supplements may be a good choice. In addition, magnesium flakes help relieve headaches. Magnesium flakes are small flakes of magnesium chloride that dissolve in water and are absorbed through the skin. The therapeutic benefits of magnesium flakes are extensive. Dead Sea salts contain a high amount of magnesium, potassium, calcium, and bromide.

Fine sea salt comes in different sizes and grades. Large-grain sea salt is a coarse variety, ranging from two to three millimeters in size. It's ideal for sprinkling in the tub and for creating therapeutic bath salt blends. It absorbs oil and helps with aching muscles. Its high mineral content makes it a good choice for facial scrubs and bath salt potpouri.

Epsom salts are typically man-made, though some are naturally occurring in Europe. They can be exposed to heavy metals and pollutants. For bath salts, take a handful of flakes twice a day and use it for pain relief and constipation. Another great thing about Epsom salts is that they are safe to take orally. Try mixing them with magnesium flakes and you'll be amazed at how much relief you can get.
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