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-study skills: get feel, symm(fund principles), break apart, what i know with principles, feel, /conjecture, to get whati i want, equivalence, rewrite, neccesarry/sufficient to say... easier, reframe(enviroment), think about the ideas, search more for this, solving tecniques, start labelling
immediately plug cases, translate, sufficiemt to show by equivalence how does it clarify previous fog, cases, how was i led to it/here(motivation),enviroment and equivalence to avoid calculation, situations whenre tecniques would acchieve avoidanvce, fundemental principles,
Is the hypothesis necessary? Is the converse true?What about the degenerate cases? Where does the proof use the hypothesis?,,
what happens if you delete a hypothesis, or attempt to strengthen the conclusion; if a simple result is usually proven by method X, you can ask whether it can be proven by method Y instead
statement X implied statement Y in the argument,terminology introduced by the speaker is related to a very similar sounding terminology that you already knew about, narrative what i need/dont, write out detals of objects, use their definition, contradicction,
search noites for more, try to modify, combine things...reclassifications like monoid to group...
-go see profs beforehand, see if get sumer stuff in lab to have some expettience, learn latex as well, possible math circle help to get on resume
i want to make a 100 in class/my classes, know definitions clearly
top student, find classroms early, tell prof i'd lke to do examples im class.
-write notes even iff from book to remember, go have them grade quiz/test etc during office hours, and debate. during test get up, think fresh again,,
-look fior erros in tests etc answer doesnt fit, or it's not a thing that it needs to be, or sign/calculation/notational error
-tke a mock test after each chapter of material
-forms:, policies: see registrar,catalog,courseschedule

all assignments organized, keep the grading rubric at the front, this *.2+this*.4= etc. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
read theorems carfeuull/play with indivdual/plug number cases that will make hw easy, prove myself first, be able to articulat in words meaning./exact definition,tough hw= not using theorem right/dont understand,
ask what talk about next time, do problems from that sectuiion before hhand,pull example from book, do easy problems first..
make certain 100 hw's up to final,-go check to see if answers are right, easy to read/follow means easier grading, use book/lecture notes as guide
-always ask if i can do the example, no the teacher etc i need to do it to learn.a's at midterm, get ahaed stay ahead
tell teacher to go through easy faster and slow through harte. when ask if people kmnow get up and ask to do it on board, dont talk just do it large, forget where i am, thinm fully, ask if under.. this is my understanding
-find teachers flattery points, be bluntly honest, immediate answer no akward squirming, im orally examining them, not taking what they say as treue.-fight for grade, reviews like test?
not just question would you explain this solu again, comments, questions about cour formatting etc, twell to achieve
modifying form(not numbers)review questions and just study thtat,they will pull questions right from hw/lectures
no calculation in class is trivia even i i know how to do it, ask to expllain/repeat, stop for a second, tell understanding on the spot, that waty thet know what is least understood, ,
-think of what comes next, the meaning of this, motivation, how got from previous known/a priori,
always llook for errors but say should that be.... not its a...look in lecturers eyes, facial cue
sit in front to be able to jupm up quickly point out mistakes... study hw's more closely: what memorze tecniques, deeper understanding like abovem, forms, details...
regrade my owbn tests zagier style, eat at ng dont be tired fo class
for everythimng i get wrong, learn right then make a new version and solve, modify form examples, hw, quizzes,rewrite lecture notes witrh added uinsight, questions,m cponnections.
1.Keep a list of THINGS TO MEMORIZE,2.Keep a running list of HARD PROBLEMS
-proofwiki, math insight,moverflow/exchange stack/quora -lctute to self, multiplication wiki/cartesian product
-look at smal details photo review, write down specific details, all possible outcomes and forms, makke certain that i can do all forms dont zone out, recgnize what im doimng
imagine failure then prevent it.... modify each and solve get necessary practice.
-learn from mistakes
-not understanding definitions/ theorem enough
-dont leave without fully understanding, ta;k about errors, review wrongs and they offer to correct
-ask questions during test.
-whats the focus of the test...she might not tell me everything.everything in lec should know, whens next test
-go back over redo with different form, make another reciew from the evens in book= do it then talk to prof about it.
-highlight need to knows from my lecture notes
-qu: proof clarification
-prep(memprize, imagine failure, question about everythiong i must know),
-mistake i made, book read carefully, book problems, talk out loud, q and a i know...for all
-closure imply well defined? if so wouldne need both as axioms?
-think about misrtakes from ,lasts again ones not correct
-question her more thoroughly about quizzes and exams.
-review quiz answers, hw's, make own then ask her about correcness,id ppoints oof failure list of groups and test cyclic, ask her for many more forms.-qu's about exam, book, hw's, do prac test, clasrity, cover holes
justify all answers says so at top
-quals, put and bynd, other exams for more practice
start and dont stop until youve completed, meditation, thoughts pass,have to master these things, think about the possibility of failing at my goals, prioritie knwoledge/what to learn, the cooncepts, what more structure is hthere, what is the teaching me more about? really really need all a+'s, number and dat epages, summerize concepts etc. askiknig right qu's, what am i learning more about? hwat's illd efined/undefined, do hw as first draft, write evrything down,

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