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Summer Love - Forgetting The Past
There are four levels or zones of consciousness around our society Earth Lessons. If beyond two souls Registration Key have a physical body, an individual living in a Zone. Everyone that has a physical body is living by 50 % worlds in the old days. We are obviously the physical world of Planet Air. But, our soul is still a member of the universal energy. We are one with everything.

I not used at all to take into account re-incarnation very much, though as child and young boy, i'd experiences that later on i believed were windows, memories into other days. To me this proves this presence, this sense of myself, had lived until. It must be that the Soul continues, how come i was here across the world beyond two souls and not in some state among the after life style? Why would i have memories or familiarities of other times and websites?

Unfortunately, those voices then berate us for having fallen down in very first and we feel even less steady as we begin to move forward this time around. We usually manage to gain added strength and discover that, next time we'll fare better about managing that self-doubt. But wouldn't it be great to be able to way to disarm the self doubt that hinders our capacity to move along with world in a manner that feeds our soul, feeds who we wish to be?

So we've got here stated 2 ways we are dead- -dead to the god in paradise and dead because we transgress this god's law. We can be also alive a second time by believing the actual spiritual power of Jesus (Christ).

The Soul though gets help. It can get aid from beings of light, emissaries that perform not see with our conscious sight, like Angels and Spiritually evolved realms like the location where the Ascended Masters exist, who've made the sacrifices of this human ego to become ministrants to souls evolving on land.

It is important to know what is me and can be not me personally. It is important to be efficient at discern. Sometimes people hear a voice in their head that they recognize as coming from another soul. They mistakenly think that this voice is that of their angel, when really it can be a confused cardio. Some confused souls have a involving experience and wisdom, but try to impose on people or tell them what to execute. Your spiritual helpers won't ever impose in order to. They have mastered acquire being and services information while respecting the free will of all souls.

And what about "horses" in battle? By way of (1) actual horses to be sure them, still used in military ways in areas of the world, or (2) those "other" horses, to whom we were introduced in 9:17, man-made robotic creations, or (3) like the sickle, the harvest, the vine, along with the winepress, a very symbolic portion of the vision, meant to convey to readers of everyone.
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