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Little Red Riding Hood (Re-written)

The Black Guy

Vanilla startled at her phone's ringtone. She opened her eyes a little and started to search for her phone on the desk. "Who disturbed my beauty sleep?"

She focused her eyes at her phone. "Oh. Mom." After she clicked the green button, she put it on speaker mode. "Yeah?"

"Honey, could you please send the basket of cooked food on the dining table to Granny?" Her mom said. She groaned. "Don't groan like that, little bear. The one and only market near her house has stopped working since two days ago, and she ran out of food stock." Some 'bzzz's went by, made Vanilla who already dozed to sleep got woken up again.

"But Mom," She said groggily, "it's still—" she glanced at the clock on her pink-wallpaper-ed wall, "—9 o'clock. Too early,"

"Don't whine, honey, it's for your Granny's own good too. You want her to stay healthy, don't you?"

"Why won't she just... well, take it by herself?"

"Her car was broken. It's at the service center now. Plus, she wouldn't come walking, right? because it's far and she's not that young anymore."

Vanilla groaned again, which her mom responded with a deep sigh.

"Go to your Granny's. Now."


"Well, at least it's today." Her mom decided to shrug it off and ended the call.

An hour passed...

...and it didn't seem like Vanilla was going to obey her mom.

"Argh, I don't feel like doing anything but sleep and eat," Finally, she sat and looked around. "I need to take a bath...yeah, that."

She lazily walked to her bathroom and took a nice 1,5-hour bath. After she prepared everything to leave—she didn't forget her favourite red cape-like hoodie, of course—she headed outside with the big basket of food.

"Granny, granny," she sang with a sing-a-song tone while unlocking her fuschia Bugatti. Then she entered it and started to drive it to her Granny's house.

Meanwhile, somewhere inside X.O Mall, there was this guy who was sitting inside the food court. He was busy with his phone and didn't seem to notice his surroundings.

The said guy looked kinda suspicious. He wore a black hoodie, denim jeans and a pair of black sneakers. Also a black snapback that he put on the table. There was a mask and a sunglasses too on the table, both black-colored. Even his phone was black.

"Hmm," he pondered at something. Not too long after that he jolted at his seat and answered a phone call. Then he grabbed his mask and sunglasses, wore it, stood up and ran outside to the lobby.

Where he saw Vanilla.

"There she is."

Vanilla sneezed. "Is someone talking bad about me?" She looked around, made the black guy hide himself. "Nah, whatever. I'm still fab."

She walked to Tiffany&Co. and entered the shop while mumbling, "I should give Granny some presents... A cute necklace or bracelet would be fine, right?"

When she was busy picking a suitable jewelry for her still-fashionable-and-young-souled Granny, the black guy approached through the display window and stared at her.

"Vanilla... she's mine." his eyes sparkled evilly, and he smirked (it wasn't visible though, he had a mask on).

After Vani paid for the silver planet-shaped necklace, she slowly walked outside while humming a song that popped in her head. The black guy followed her until she went inside Victoria Secret.

"Ooh, my dear Vanilla is going to buy something for our first night together, hm?" He laughed a bit, his expression twisted between joy and evil.

Yeah. Dream on, Black Guy.

Seems like this black guy was Vanilla's stalker. Frightening, right?

Vanilla strolled through one rack to another, picking some fancy perfumes. "Hmm, this one smells like mint. No, no, too strong." She picked another.

"Ew, what is this?" She looked at the label. "Peach?! Eww," she put it back immediately and took a new perfume.

"Here it is! My favourite vanilla-scented perfume~" She bought it and immediately walked back to the parking lot.

With the black guy tailed at her, of course.

When Vanilla was about to unlock her car, the black guy approached her and locked her arms. "Ouch!"

He chuckled. "Be quiet and you'll be safe, my dear Vanilla." She shuddered at the low tone. "Now unlock the car and let me drive. Obey me," he continued with a warning tone, "and you'll be safe."

She just stared at the guy, who sighed. "Vanilla, Vanilla. Hurry up and unlock the car, will you? I was just going to take you to my apartment and play with you. I have some kinds of new knives that I just bought, you're going to love it." He lifted his hand and touched Vanilla's neck. "I love your body. I can't wait to cut them into pieces...and add it into my collection."

Vanilla was so afraid at the black guy—she had met a stalker before. Not hers though, but a friend of hers. He wanted to murder her friend too, but fortunately, they ran into a police station and the stalker had arrested. This time, there's no way that they would ran to a police station.

Then she did the first sane thing to do: scream for help.


The black guy immediately silenced her and took a knife from his left pocket. "Once again you scream and you'll–"

"HEY, YOU!!"

Three security man ran toward them, with a baseball bat each. They screamed at the black guy who turned pale and ran as fast as he could, so two of them chased him. Meanwhile, one of them approached Vanilla who was already sitting on the ground. Her legs gave up; she was trembling.

"Miss, are you okay?" The security man helped her to stood. "Do you need anything?"

"N-no..." she said while still trembling.

"Okay then, what was that guy doing? Did he harass you?"

"N-no... He was saying that he wanted to murder me sadistically, though," she said. His words rang inside her brain, repeated themselves. "I think he is my stalker..."

"Gosh, teens these days..." the security man sighed. At that time, the other two security man turned, looked exhausted.

"We lost track of him, I'm sorry," one of them said to Vanilla.

About an hour later, Vanilla had calmed down and she drove to her Granny's house by herself. When she got there, she immediately knocked the door.

But the door opened by itself when she knocked it.

With a bumping heart and cold sweat ran through her temple, she entered the house—after she put the basket and her present back inside her car. If it was a thief, she don't wanna give them voluntarily, right?

"Hello?" she pushed the door, that moved with a loud voice. "Granny? Anyone home?"

A blurry voice answered, "Vani, you're here. Come upstairs; I'm so busy that I can't go down, sorry."

Vanilla, being an untrustful person, couldn't believe the blurry voice. She climbed the stairs slowly. "Is that you, Granny? Show yourself."

Someone came from the upstairs while she was on the middle of the stairs. She wears her Granny's nightgown. "It's me, dear Vanilla."

Vanilla's ear rang at the words "dear Vanilla". She trembled—but tried to keep calm. She slowly walk back downstairs. "Ah, hi, Granny. It's you after all. Wait a minute, I'm going to take the food Mom made for you and a present that I bought for you."

"Don't be like that, dear. I miss you so much, could you go upstairs for a moment and hug your old Granny? And then you can take the food and the present." Her 'Granny' started to walk downstairs.

'My Granny won't refer herself as an old woman...' Vanilla thought. Unfortunately, seems like she said her thoughts out loud and her 'Granny' heard it.

Immediately her 'Granny' threw her wig ('Oh, so it's a wig!' she thought, surprised.) and the nightgown, revealed the black guy who was smiling wide. "You got me, dear Vanilla~"

Vanilla gasped. She ran downstairs, with the black guy close behind. But being a man who had more power, he caught Vanilla. He carried her on his shoulder and took her upstairs, to a room that she recognized—between her screams and her hitting-the-black-guy-game—as the guest's room.

"No!! Noooo!!"

"Relax, baby girl." He threw Vanilla on the bed. She attempted escape but he took some cloth and tied her to the bed. "You're going to enjoy this, just wait."

He touched Vanilla's cheek with his palms. "What a soft skin that you have here, my dear Vanilla." she sobbed.

"Can you not crying? Ah, my bad. You'll stop crying eventually." He shrugged and took his bag, opened it, revealed some knives that he had mentioned before. "Now, where should i start?"

He was swinging one of his knife to Vanilla's cheek when someone barged in and kicked his head. He flew to the bedside, passed out. Vanilla stopped crying and tried to see her helper.

"GRANNY!! But how–?"

"I won a karate championship 7 years in a row, Vanilla, in case you didn't remember or I haven't told you yet," she huffed and untied Vanilla's hands and feet. She immediately hug her Granny.

"Where have you been?" She sobbed.

"I was outside, watering my plants while this guy came. He said he has a packet for me, and blah blah blah, and I don't know?" Granny shrugged. "Suddenly I woke up on my bed. And I heard something here, so I immediately got here and you know what's next, I'm tired. I haven't eat anything since yesterday." She huffed again and rested herself on the bed. "I'm sorry that I came out late. But excuse me, I'm hungry, did you have your mom's food with you?"

"Inside my car..." said Vanilla while still hugging her Granny. "Wait Gran, what should we do to him?"

"I called 911, the police should arrive in a moment." Just after she said so, the police's sirene came. "There they are! Come on, we pick them and the food."

They talked to the police who arrested the black guy immediately. He was still passed out, poor him.

After that Vanilla gave the food and her present to her Granny ("Oh, what a beautiful bracelet! Wait, this is a necklace? What a beautiful necklace!") and they ate the food together. The thoughts of the black had already forgotten.
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