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World Of Warcraft Review

Each faction has three capital cities. The alliance comprises the human stormwind and the dwarf ironforge as well as the night elf darnassus. The horde comprises the taureen thunderbluff, orc ogrimmar and the undead beneathcity.

"Players will come across two types of dungeons playing World of Warcraft: micro Dungeons and World Dungeons. There are more than a hundred micro dungeons scattered across the globe of Azeroth and ranging in size from small to huge. Micro dungeon locations include tombs and haunted mines aswell like sunken and ice caves. ships. The transition from and out of these dungeons will be smooth and you'll be able to run into other players along the way."

2/15/2005: The inevitable has started. Nerfing for any reason is bullshit/hogwash/rationalization. So, please take me seriously.

I have no favorite class. The majority of nerfing involves searching for an individual to blame for the group's mistakes. To prove your existence, you have to eat sacrificial lambs. The gods are in search of victems, therefore, they can be anyone -any person, not just me.

Nerfing is among the manefestations of the seven deadly sins, but mostly the two main culprits are envy and greed. The majority of nerfing disputes fall into these categories. Wow and private wow servers You nerfed me, so you should nerf them, they deserve it (mob mentality also "misery is a lover of company"). This is the subset of the "that class is too powerful," so for the purpose of "game balance" (whatever it means -it only makes sense in my mind as the most universal excuse for nerfing) nerf that class (This is the envy category.). The other category is nerf everyone else, so that I can be the most powerful (greed category).

Another common excuse for nerfing is "we have to fix a bug." Whatever the excuse is, it all comes down to this: something that was an attribute that made a class powerful is no longer a feature -it is now a non-feature -- and the game has weaker classes and classes become more powerful with time. If chance worked correctly there will be an equal amount of bugs that have to be corrected by making characters stronger. The history of online gaming has shown that characters can become more powerful because of a bug, game balance, or any other reason. However the number of "bugs," which make characters less powerful, is more than the number characters that can be fixed. Am I right? Do the math, then come back to me.


You pick two alliances consisting of four races each in a battle which is mostly battle between players. The Alliance is clearly the better side and the Horde is the evil one. The Alliance is comprised of dwarves and gnomes, humans, and night elves. The horde is composed of taureen, orcs, undead, and trolls. These familiar races are derived from those introduced in the Blizzard Warcraft real-time strategy games. Craftsmen and fighters are included in the classes. The nine classes for fighting include one tank class, the warrior, three damage-dealing classes such as hunter, rogue and mage, three hybrid classes such as paladin, druid, and shaman, one support class: priest, and one debuffing class called warlock. There are 12 artisanal professions for those who enjoy create items, which is an essential aspect of any MMPOG, and which are broken down into gathering categories: fishing, herbalism mining and skinning production: blacksmithing, alchemy, cooking, engineering, leatherworking, and tailoring, as well as two service professions: enchanting and first aid.

The plot is comprised of many amazing quests. Each quest is broken into smaller pieces that could lead to more quests. Each part of the quest is rewarding.

The quests are so well done with humor and depth that one could say that Blizzard has done a flawless job. The work isn't perfect however, there are areas for improvement. A few of the user interface mods have made it easier to monitor and improve the quest log. One improvement we would love to see, but is not in the mods, is to allow the log to be larger than the current limit of 20 quests.


A 3D graphics card is required for the game. We support a variety of 3D cards that meet the above system requirements. The game supports 1st- and 3rd-person camera perspectives. The mouse wheel lets players to adjust the angle of the camera in accordance with the current situation and switch between cameras at will.

The art is 3D, however, it has its roots in cartoon-like, two-dimensional cartoons. Graphics are high-quality characters with humor and Blizzard quality.


Voice Actors

Music Score

Sound Effects


A recent update and maintenence downtime for the World of Warcraft servers Blizzard was seen doing the unthinkable. Blizzard credited players with the extension of their play time to 24 hours for the 16 hours of downtime for their servers. Blizzard, as usual, is challenging the limits of gaming with this revolutionary game.

Multi-player Features

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Regards; Team

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