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Can you Guess which is your Favourite Football Team?

Image: Wikicommons by Soccer illustrated.

About this Quiz Football has been around for thousands of years. This means that there has been a football-related fandom for a long time, even though it wasn't always recognized under the same name. Nowadays, of course, the game has become professionalised and the standard has significantly increased. It's easier than ever to keep up with your team's actions because of mass media. Teams have also become more adept at monetising their brands, making the team strip into a must-have accessory for games and releasing apps for team members where fans can engage in constant conversation with the team machine. The bottom line is that anyone can let their team influence their lives, and often in a positive way (though this will depend on how often they win).

However, just because all fandoms have increased in popularity doesn't necessarily mean they're identical! Each fan's fans have their own unique rituals and habits. These rituals and habits are the result of local culture, the local fandom's culture, and the location. If you can tell us something about yourself, we'll be able to identify the team you are passionate about with near scientific precision! Let's get started!

"" Chris Whitehead/ CulturaChris Whitehead/ Cultura Getty Images Plus/ Getty Images Love a good derby between long-standing rivals?

No. I hate it. It's something that I can't resist but to hate.

Everyone is our longstanding rival.

All of them

Nothing. Shirts are not for wimps.

Because I'm as tough as nails, I don a T-shirt.

I don't understand. What kind of drinks are they creating? Why?

This is the only thing I do on Saturdays.

My church has one member.

They are the only team that I believe is worthy of my support.

It's an item that is local to the area.

I have visited the area several times and enjoyed it. Cup (or an equivalent), to whom would you like to shift your loyalty?

I do not. I just root against our opponent.

I am done watching.

It's impossible to accomplish this.

Almost everyone feels that way.
Gaming blog

Maybe my boo is my best friend

I'm not a fan, but I'm pretty calm about it. What are your thoughts on it?



Be surprised

Depends. Did he get away? What do you think of this?

Why would you want to shower on something? Let's go!

I have more time to fight!

Upset, until I get my refund

Philosophical. We need rain to survive.

It is who I am.

It's what happens on Saturdays.

It's important, but not the most important.

It was simple to take it or leave.


I'm done with it. It doesn't impact how much I enjoy the games.

We are really crazy.

We really are thugs.

None of them!

We cheat.

I'd be shocked if we were not.

I don't believe in anything.

It's an accepted fact.

Although I can see something very serious happening, I'm not sure about it.

I shout at everyone.

I can do anything.

I sulk.

I forget it about five minutes Moment / Getty Images The level of productivity in certain towns is influenced by the local team's performance. How does your team's performance influence yours?

Yes. I'm at the very least 20% more effective when we're winning.

If we win, I might become a little hyper.

A little, but not until the next day after an event.

It is not a factor at all

I have a Powerpoint presentation prepared to help you with this!

I would not.

I would be proud to show them all our trophies.

I'd like them to watch the game. What would you tell him?

I can't even speak. I'm too excited. He understands, however.

I avoid him. He's scary.

I'd like to have a photo.

I have nothing to say. I am too dignified.

I'm off the bus as soon as possible!

When I leave my home! What happens next?

We do horrible things But security is watching, so we behave.

It's going to go down. It's going down big time.

Then, we all get drunk and start to sexily jab at each one another.

I've taken my jersey off, so I just sneak away.

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Regards; Team

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