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(6.4 - 6.6)
Multiple intelligences
- Gardner: verbal, mathematical, musical, spatial, kinesthetic, insight re: self, others, environment
- Stemberg: analytical, creative, practical
- others: social or emotional intelligence

- memory: persistence of learning over time through STORAGE and RETRIEVAL of information
- three-stage processing model of memory: encoding, storage, retrieval
- encoding: ebbignhaus found:
- spacing is important (longer spaces between rehearsals results in better retention)
- serial position effect (first and last remembered best, since one is rehearsed more often and
one is more recent)
- for verbal information in encoding, "what it means" works best (semantic), especially if self-referent; "putting it in own words" forces meaning
- emotional memories: stress hormones boost learning and memory (more glucose fuels brain activity, creating more synaptic changes or LTP sites)
- implicit vs explicit memories: learning mechanisms (pathways) for procedural and declarative memories are different

(7.3 - 7.4)
- ethical questions regarding eyewitness testimony: contamination, suggestibility; misinformation effect (includes leading questions)
- ethical issues related to repressed memories: false memory syndrome (contamination, suggestibility); conditioning (hits, misses, correct rejections, false alarms)
- what if you can't create new memories: anterograde vs retrograde amnesia

(8.1 - 8.2)
- cognitive capabilities and associated brain development are required before certain tasks are possible
Preoperational Thought
- egocentrism - cant take another's perspective
- centration - tendency to focus on only one dimension of reality
- irreversibility - inability to imagine reversing the physical action
- perceptually bound - use appearances rather than systematic reasoning, perceptual cues rather than logical principles in drawing conclusions
- ana & destiny: preconventional/postconventional stages of moral development

(8.3 - 8.4)
- crystalized vs fluid intelligence

(9.1 - 9.4)
- categories of disorder
- anorexia nervosa: 15% below normal body weight
- bulimia nervosa: emotional disorder involving body image distortion; involves some form of
- binge eating: no form of purging evident
- activity disorder: more likely to include men, may be correlated with one of the above
- emotions derive from a combination of physiology, cognitions, and expressive behaviors, typically
- mood is emotion over time
-proposed two dimensions of emotional quality
what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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