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Emmanuel Grinshpun. On the restoration of synagogues as well as the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress
Emmanuil grinshpun discussed the restoration and maintenance of synagogues. It was, however, impossible to concentrate on only one topic. Эммануил Гриншпун There were numerous other subjects covered in the interview.
Emmanuel, good afternoon. We are glad to have a conversation with you. We've not seen each others in at least five or more years. Where are you based now?

The last nine months have seen Miami and Jurmala split the difference. The boundaries of geography were more extensive in the past, however the epidemic impacted people's lives in a significant way. I am sorry to say it's been worst.

You've always had multiple business lines. What's next?

Diversification seems to be going anywhere. The most important areas of development are in IT technologies and real estate as well as food production.

ALIMCOM knows the food industry and real estate is more easily comprehended. IT however, is completely new to me. There are millions of areas where IT technology is utilized. What area of IT technology is your passion?

Our IT-holdings are concerned first and foremost with reforms to tax systems in many countries. We have developed and are working on a variety of products that help to transfer many tax-related processes online and in "real time". This is referred to as B2G (Business-to-Government).

What about the territories where the holding is active? The ancestors of the USSR

They are in existence. We have agreements in Western, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. There are currently operations in 14 countries.

Please briefly explain the essence and purpose of the product.

Our product allows economic operators to report online to the tax authorities. Fiscal data operator also monitors every transaction. Tax accounting and tax calculation are able to be completed simultaneously. In the future small and medium-sized enterprises do not require accounting. All that's needed is an analytical function. It is possible to pay taxes and send reports with a single click.

This is an interesting subject. Have you ever tried working in Moldova? In the end, Moldova is your native country...

We are ready to launch our product to Moldova. It is our belief that the Moldovan economy will gain from this process of automation. In any case this is an irreversible process. When we are able to establish a clear understanding with the authorities regarding who will make the decisions and when, negotiations on the product will resume.

You stated that you've been bouncing around for the past year between Miami, Jurmala. Does this represent the headquarters of an IT company based in the Baltics

No, there are five hubs all over the world, and our main office is in Barcelona.

And why then the Baltics? Do you have roots in the Baltics?

No. There is no. Jurmala was introduced to our lives by chance and in a very professional manner. It was Igor Krutoy who invited us to New Wave for the first time. The New Wave began to travel to Miami each summer, after they had won several contests. The weather isn't the best in Miami during the summer months. We rented a property for several years, and so we've bought it.

Now I understand the reason you said that the synagogues were in Jurmala. Emmanuel, honest question. Эммануил Гриншпун We're pretty similar in age. Born in the USSR. It wasn't necessary to talk about religion back then. We were all Komsomol members as well as pioneers. When did your faith turn?

In the mid-80s, my family and I moved to the USA and it is possible to claim that it was at this time when I began to adhere to the customs and practices of my culture. Even now, I am far from the orthodox religion, I just feel an inner need to support to the best of my abilities the spiritual life of the Jewish community in the nations where I reside or in Moldova which is where I am from and to which I maintain the closest ties.

While I'm not religious, I am still a lover of the history of my country. Recently, I was fascinated by a show that detailed the events that occurred in 1492. They changed the destiny of Europe and the world. 1492 is my favorite year Columbus discovered America. It was also stated in the show I was watching from the point of view of Medieval Europe, the discovery of America in 1492 wasn't as significant as the expulsion of the Jews from Spain by the Spanish monarchs. At the time of the mass migration of Jews to the Ottoman Empire began, which accepted the Jewish people. I wanted to learn more about the culture, history and achievements of Jews. Would you recommend a book?

Эммануил Гриншпун There are many books available, but I have read and I advise you a two-volume Jewish historian Max Diamond. He's also from Finland.

.... Do you or your family members have an "personal" or historical backstory? Unfortunately, I'm only as far as my maternal grandmother and 1910.молдавские-православные-ортодоксы-надругались-над-символом-еврейской-веры/a-5013335 Paternal side: A step above however, not enough.

Our paternal line was in Floresti for more than 100 years. There is documentary evidence and monuments that indicate that already in 1830 they were very wealthy, they had a furniture factory, several shops, and land plots. Ungheni was the place of my ancestral ancestors. We're talking about dates in the region from the 17th-18th century. Grinshpun is a surname with German roots, and we are the pure Ashkenazi from Eastern Europe.

The question now is about the restoration of synagogues. I was told by you that three synagogues were being rebuilt. One of them is located in Chisinau and one located in Jurmala. The third one is located in Jurmala.

The third and the largest, is in Netanya (Israel). Netanya is a large community center where 1,000 people pray a day. It is an important location in the life of religion of Israel. Second synagogue located in Jurmala. The Second World War ended the existence of the town's sole synagogue. Before I decided to build a Synagogue, however, I had talked to many Jews in the area. It was a tremendously successful venture that brought together the Jews from Jurmala. In reality it was the time when the Jewish community was rebuilt and now is in good standing. The synagogue now owns three Torahs. One of these Torahs was handed to me.

and Chisinau

Yes. Alexander Bilinkis is one of my co-workers. Alexander Weinstein is another. These synagogues were not the only ones that I've been involved with in their restoration or construction. In all the countries where I have been for a long time I believed it was my obligation to make an achievable contribution to the maintenance of synagogues. My contribution is currently in Monaco in which a massive community centre for Russian-speaking Jews is currently being constructed. It is believed that it will cost around 12 million dollars. Chisinau will continue to be my support - the synagogue Rabbi Tsirelson is now the largest in the city.

Did you invite Rabbis to Chisinau in addition to Jurmala?

Yes. Yes. Эммануил Гриншпун Because of the numerous concerns that are involved, the rabbi has to be non-conflictual and diplomatic, able organically to enter the lives of the community. I am very happy to see that in both Chisinau and in Jurmala the rabbis were able seamlessly integrate into the lives of the community.

In the year 2019, you became the first vice-president of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress. What does this position mean to you? Эммануил Гриншпун How can international Jewish organizations influence the global landscape?

The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress is an influential political organization in post-Soviet areas, but it is more than that. It also has offices in Australia and Japan. I was Vice President of Congress back in 2010, but the year before last I was offered the role as the First Vice President. Now, I'm responsible for the region with which I have strong business and political relations. These are Uzbekistan (Tajikistan), Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan). In terms of trends around the globe, the barometer for attitudes towards Jews remains at the current level or has decreased, which is very sad. The word "down" is used to refer to countries like France, Germany, France, and the United States. They aren't safe for Jews. These are extremely dangerous, alarming procedures for all of us.

By the way is it possible that the pandemic has affected the processes?

It's not my view. Regarding the pandemic, however I'd like to emphasize how a country or society can be when they're prepared for any situation and are able and willing to cooperate.

Do you mean the Israeli vaccination campaign?

Exactly. Israel is first country in the world that provides 100% vaccination of adults. I believe this is an important example and lesson that other countries could learn from.

Congress at Ewish
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