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apartheid government sowed aggression and violence and so they would reap aggression and violence, do you agree with the statement ? discuss the change in nature of resistance of apartheid in the 1960s and no government response to this?

yes i do agree that apartheid government sowed aggression and violence and so they would reap aggression and violence. In 1960 a crowd apartheid at sharpville to show resistance of apartheid and to show the resistance of the pass laws.
In 1960 a crowd gathered at the sharpville police station to show againt the pass laws. the policestartd to shoot at the crowed and at the end of the day 69 people lost their lives and 200 people were injured most of them were shot at the back as they tried to run away.
The sharpville massacre was a turning point in SA the government declared a state of emergency to crack a down its opponents then it quickly passed a new law called the unlawfull organisation act. this banned the two main resistance organisation the ANC and the PAC.
The ANC and PAC continued their work underground unknown and illegally some members of both organisation left country to continue the struggle in exile members of both banned organisation the SACP and the ANC worked together undercover unknown.

The ANC formed umkhondo we sizwe ofen known as mk in 1961 to perform acts of sabotage. the reason for the adoption o the armed struggle were set out in the mks founding manifesto which was issued on the december 1961
Many ANC members felt that it was useless so continue using non violence against government that responed with violence attacks on unarmed people but that ANC leadership was relevant to start an unarmed struggle

The leader of the PAC robert sobukwe was arrested after sharpvile and was given a three years in jail and he was not realesed until 1972 the PAC formed an armed wing called pogo which means pure or grone
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