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So like, Kalilah is actually Harry's half sister, her mother is Lily and her father is Snape but she doesn't know it. She's the girl who hid from Voldemort. Draco and her start dating but end up breaking up because she sees him and Pansy kissing.

YEAR 3: Chapters 1-11 (priosoner of Azkaban)
YEAR 4: Chapters 12-23(Goblet of Fire)
YEAR 5: Chapters 24-35 (Order of The Phoenix)
YEAR 6: Chapters 35-46 (Half-Blood Prince)
YEAR 7: Chapters 46+ (Deathly Hallows)

Chapter 1- They go to Hogwarts, harry is attacked by the dementor on the train, Kalilah and Draco get into an argument then she rides the Hippogriff. Draco gets sent to the hospital wing, Kalilah and Draco get paired in D.A.D.A to do an essay, which he distracts her all throughout the class.

Chapter 2- They go to Hogsmeade and feels bad for leaving Harry, but Harry sneaks down there using the Marauders map, and then Draco and his friends are giving them a hard time, so he hits them with snowballs, the next day, Snape tells Draco he needs to be tutored by Kalilah, since he's falling behind in Potions. At first Draco doesn't want to be tutored, that he can learn on his own. Then the next day he finds her and tells her to meet him in the astronomy tower tomorrow after D.A.D.A

Chapter 3- They meet in the astronomy tower the next day as planned. Harry gets hurt during the Quidditch tournament because he saw a dementor, Sirius Black is spotted in Hogwarts which makes the students have to sleep in the great hall, The next few weeks (Until Christmas) Malfoy and Kalilah continue their tutoring thing.

Chapter 4- THEY START DATING AYYYEE, on Christmas eve he asks her out, and for it to be secret. The next two weeks, they write to each other during the break, when they return to Hogwarts, They learn of Buckbeak's trial, when they see Draco and his friends fixing to watch, Hermione then slaps Draco.

Chapter 5- (february)Harry tells his friends about how Lupin has been teaching him the patronus charm.

Chapter 6- (march)

Chapter 7-(april)

Chapter 8- (april)

Chapter 9- (May) Dumbledore shows Kalilah, that her birth father is alive, and her mother is dead. But her father makes her a halfblood.

Chapter 10-(May) Kalilah finds Draco and Pansy kissing like an hour after she tells Draco she's a halfblood.

Chapter 11-

Chapter 12-

Chapter 13-

Chapter 14-

Chapter 15-

Chapter 16-

Chapter 17-

Chapter 18-

Chapter 19-

Chapter 20-

Chapter 21-

Chapter 22-

Chapter 23-

Chapter 24-

Chapter 25-

Chapter 26-

Chapter 27-

Chapter 28-

Chapter 29-

Chapter 30-
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