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You: F21, looking to do an roleplay with a male playing as my friend's dad. I would play 15/16 and you between 38-45 yo. I have a prompt ready.

Stranger: I'm down for that. I'm 24 but I'm happy to play older.

You: Hi I'm Sarah, I'm 5'10'', my legs make the most of that height, I play volleyball competitively so I am in good shape, I have long dark hair and pale skin, my eyes are auburn. My breasts aren't that big, I get away with not wearing bras if my clothing is thick enough, most of the time I am in sports clothing. My thighs are pretty thick due to the nature of my sport

You: PROMPT: Me and and your daughter Hailee have been best friends since we were little. I've always been considered part of the family with how close we have been. I regularly spend the night over at your house due to my family situation. I have always envied Hailee for having such a loving father, my own was dead beat drunk, who basically uses me to claim child support from the government, my mother hasn't been around in a while. I have been staying over a lot recently, you've noticed because the water bill has gone up significantly. We are on the bed listening to music when you knock on the door and ask what we want for dinner. I smile up at you, wearing leggings and a cropped hoodie, my hair in a ponytail. "I'm not picky, I would like anything" I shrug. Hailee chimes in "Chinese?".

Stranger: I'm Mike. 6'4, short brown hair, green eyes, short beard. Semi-muscular but very clear dad bod as well. Early 40s, works in construction so am built quite heavily thanks to that.

Stranger: I knock on your door, knowing you two were hanging out. I swing it open after a couple of seconds, to enquire as to what you two wanted for dinner. I smile down at Sarah - I'd always felt she needed a little extra care. She was here a lot, and I'd grown fond of her. "Chinese, huh?" I say, responding to Hailee after she butts in. "We can do that. Any specific requests?" I lean against the doorframe, holding the door open with one arm.

You: "Egg Roll Palace! Please and thank you" She chimes and kisses your cheek, something she only does when she gets what she wants - teenagers are like that, or so you've been told by your coworkers who often complain about their kids. I blush and prop myself up on my elbows as I have been laying on my front relaxing. I look shyer than ever as Hailee shamelessly demands what she wants. I want to tell you I am not hungry but that would be a lie, I just feel guilty you spending money on me.

Stranger: I smile affectionately down at Hailee. "Sure thing." I lightly brush my hand against her cheek, before turning to you. "Sarah?" I say, getting your attention. I knew you were shy, but I didn't intend to leave you out. You were almost family, anyway. "Anything you want? Specific orders?" I shoot you another smile, reassuring you as I continue to lean against the doorframe.

You: I shake my head "Just the usual combo you get" I shrug, my posture freezing up "Thank you Mr. Lawrence" I smile, more confidently this time. Hailee is so lucky to have a safe home, I would want nothing more if I could have what she has. She lays down beside me after you leave and checks her phone, squealing when she reads a text "Evan has his house to himself!" She bounces on the bed "Oh my god, finally... help me talk my dad into letting me go!" I sigh "You know he won't agree"

Stranger: I smile back. "My pleasure, Sarah." I leave the room, shutting the door quietly behind me and heading downstairs to get the order sorted for the two girls. I make a short phone call - they knew us as one of their regulars, which made things quicker. After the order was placed, I settled myself in front of the TV to relax for the next half an hour or so - as usual.

You: "It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission" Hailee gets up excited and starts changing into more tighter jeans and changing her bra to something sexier. She then opens the window "He likes you, maybe he wont be as mad". I protest, wanting to tell her to stay but there is no stopping a horny teenager. When you call us down I come alone and help you silently, not saying much. I get nervous as I plate some of the food "Sir? Hailee left to go see her boyfriend through the window, please don't be mad, she said she would be back in the morning... I can go home, I don't want to bother you". I look scared of you for a second, forgetting for a moment you're not like my dad.

Stranger: I shrug my shoulders. "She's growing up. Girls will be girls. I'll speak to her when she comes back." I invite you to sit at the table with me, pulling up a chair next to mine. "You can stay here. We can keep each other company." I smile at you, taking my seat at the table and gesturing again at your chair. "Go on, get sat down."

You: I nod a bit, feeling so guilty and sad on your behalf that Hailee takes you for granted. I watch you take the first bite and then eat myself, happy to have a warm meal. "Thank you Mr. Lawrence" I blush a bit, avoiding eye contact "How did your presentation go the other week?" I ask politely, I had helped you make a power point, you weren't sure if I would be of any use but I actually did help it look organized and styled.

Stranger: I smile to myself as I see you blush. "It went well, actually. You were a big help." I continue eating, keeping an eye on you as I ate. I wanted to make sure that you'd eat properly - you were often too shy to admit if you were hungry or if you wanted anything. "How are you feeling, anyway? What with my daughter running out on you like that."

You: I seem pleased that I was helpful "Really? I wouldn't mind doing more things like that... I was kind of hoping your work could take me as a working student? I learn quickly, and I have a huge interest in law" I brighten up, When you ask how I am I shrug "It's okay, she's really into this boy so I'm happy for her." I sigh. Although Hailee and I are best friends, I never felt comfortable confiding in her or anyone else about what is going on at home. I just tell her that my dad isn't home and I don't like staying at home by myself. She wouldn't understand if I told her what he was actually like

Stranger: "Yeah? Well, I could talk to the other partners at the firm, see what they say. What do you think?" I lean forward, resting my elbows on the table, happy that you'd brightened up a little. "You don't seem to happy." I say, noting your sigh. I move a little closer, turning the conversation into a more intimate, private situation. "If there's anything you wanna talk about, you can talk to me." I smile, almost allowing my hand to brush against your face as I often did with my daughter. I stopped at the last second, not wanting to overstep any boundaries with you.

You: "That would be amazing! I ... I could do anything, paper work, faxing, administration, you name it, even coffee making" I eat quicker in excitement, thinking what a good start this would give me. I blush when you move closer and then my cheeks become visibly paler when you ask if there is anything I would like to talk about. My eyes change, I seem sad for a moment but then I try to hide it "I guess I just feel guilty for staying here all the time". I pull out a couple of five and ten dollar bills from my hoodie pocket, knowing me this is all the cash I have from my babysiting job. "I saved up some money to pay you back"

Stranger: "Well, I'll be sure to let you know. I can tell you're eager." I smile as you eat quickly - it's the most I'd ever seen you eat at my house. I look down as you pull out the money and offer it me, then push your hand away firmly. "I don't need to take your money. Keep it." I keep my hand resting on your arm, in an affectionate gesture. "Honestly. I make enough money - I don't need yours." I smile at you, looking down at you and your pale face. My hand lightly brushes your cheek, unable to help myself. I felt protective of you, even though you weren't my child.

You: "Oh" I falter a bit, I wanted to feel helpful. I keep my cheek against your hand, my eyes wide and a bit lost. I look at your lips, confusing myself for a moment. The feeling of your hand on my face and how gentle and warm you are, I melt a bit in my chair. The closer you are you see me more clearly than ever. My hoodie has ridded up a bit and then a glimpse of a bruise on my side distracts you.

Stranger: I lightly stroke your face, before seeing the bruise on your side. "Hey, not to pry, but what's that?" I gesture at the bruise, frowning slightly. I had a good idea what that was from, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions. I kept my hand resting on your face, getting the sense that it comforted you somehow.

You: I look down at it and pull my sweater down getting a bit defensive. I want to tell you it's from practice earlier but I can't bring myself to lie to you "It doesn't hurt much, I'm okay" I can't bring myself to admit anything more

Stranger: I can't help my immediate reaction, even though you don't want to talk about it. I wrap my arms around you, pulling you into a warm hug so your head was resting against my shoulder. I just felt that you needed it.

You: I wince at first, scared you were going to do something but then I relax in your arms. I hide my face in your neck and keep myself from sobbing "I... I don't want to go home" I finally admit

Stranger: I take you over to the couch, sitting you down with me. You were very light - I'd almost carried you there. I kept hold of you as you buried your face in my neck. "You can stay here. Don't worry." I stroke your hair gently as I speak, attempting to reassure you.

You: I pull away after what seems like forever and look at you eyes, feeling all warm and comforted. I look at your lips, wanting to be close to someone, especially you. I close my eyes and give you a very gentle and soft kiss

Stranger: Against my better judgement, I allowed you to kiss me. I enjoyed it - though I shouldn't. Despite that, I wrapped my arm around your waist and gave you a gentle kiss in return, knowing that you wanted it from me.

You: I sit on your lap, my legs at either side of you. I hold your face in my hands, a bit inexperienced and keep kissing you, not thinking at all about the consequences

Stranger: I give in to my urges, knowing it's wrong, but unable to resist you. I kiss you back firmly, one arm firmly wrapped around your slender waist. My other hand grips your hair as we continue to kiss.

You: Your hand goes over my back which is still sore from my dad hitting me with his belt. I wince and pull away. I start to process what we are doing and I feel completely lost looking at you for guidance "I..."

Stranger: I bite my lip, wrestling with my morals. I shouldn't like kissing you, but I did. "You don't have to speak." I cup your face in my large hand, stroking your cheek with my thumb as I look down at you.

You: I search for some kind of reassurance, you know this could get very wrong if it gets out. I look panicked as I nearly tear up, utterly broken by what I had done just now

Stranger: "Hey, calm down." I say softly, leaning down and kissing you again. It felt like the right thing to do - for you, not for me. I kiss you very gently, letting you pull away if you need to.

You: My heart races as you pull me into another kiss and I oblige, letting you move me (brb - 2 min)

Stranger: I lean into the kiss, pressing my lips against yours. God, it felt good, despite everything. I push you onto your back gently, straddling you as I keep the kiss going, (okay, no worries)

You: I wrap my legs around you and my hands roam your back, exploring you. I felt small under you, my waist is tiny, your hands easily wrap around me. I let out a soft moan as we start using tongue

Stranger: I moan in return, letting you know I'm enjoying this. My tongue twists around yours as I push it forward into your small mouth. I keep one hand cupping your cheek, with the other supporting me against the couch.

You: The way you take things slow with me and work me up gently makes me feel safe and warm. My mind is empty of any guilt for a moment. My hand goes under your soft t shirt and I feel your skin for the first time, feeling your back as your shoulder flex to keep yourself from crushing me

Stranger: I moan again, quietly, as I feel your small fingers brushing against my shoulder. I move my hand from your face, lightly pushing your hoodie up, my hand pressing against your belly ever so lightly.

You: I arch my back, giving myself to you willingly. My nipples are hard, you can tell even through my sports bra as you pull the hoodie up to show my chest. I get shy, scared you won't think I am pretty

Stranger: I smile at you, whispering softly in your ear as I pull your hoodie up. "Beautiful." I can't help but feel at your small breasts, my fingers pressing against your nipples through your sports bra. Any misgivings I had were long gone.
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