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primary substrate for respiration-glucose
function of epiglottis-closes glottis during swallowing food to make sure that it dosn't go in the air pipe
end products of anaerobic respiration-ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide
end products of aerobic respiration-carbon dioxide and water
in plants exchange of gas takes place with-lenticels, stomata and root hairs
animal tissue where anaerobic respiration occurs-inside the muscles
total area for gaseous exchange-36-72m
lungs are enclosed in-thoracic cavity
air breathed by a normal person-500 ml of air
aerobic respiration-36 ATP released as energy
Carbon dioxide + hemoglobin = oxyhemoglobin
red blood cells- RBC- erythrocyte
cardiac notch-left lung
membranous covering of lung-pleura
oxygen is transported by RBCs in humans
common passage for food and air- pharynx
amount of oxygen we breathe form the atmosphere-21%
breathing rate in human being-16 breadth per minute
lungs of humans are-spongy
right lung- 3 lobes
left lung- 2 lobes
aerobic-cytoplasm and mitochondria
anaerobic-only cytoplasm
energy currency for living cell- ATP
diaphragm is present only in mammals
oxidation of food-mitochondria
oxygen deficiency-hypoxia
anoxia-absence of oxygen
respiration through lungs- pulmonary
respiration through skin- cutaneous
catabolic- breakdown of energy
anabolic- buildup of energy
respiration- exothermic
photosynthesis- endothermic
14-18 times expansion and contraction of lungs per minute
cardiac notch- space between lungs and diaphragm for heart
co2 increase-->carbonic acid

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