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Social Media For Network Marketing - 5 Simple Tips To Get Started
As a small business grasping social media and all its parts as it relates to the impact it will have on your business is somewhat of a new concept for many. Small business owners wear a lot of hats and to add this to the mix brings to mind what will this do for me, what impact will it have on my business? Do I even want to expose my business to this? These are questions that so many small business owners have and the more they learn, sometimes the less they want to know. Social media marketing is not for every business today... tomorrow may be different as technology changes.

Bring your personal life into the mix. This is something I discovered online back in 1998 when our kitchenware business grew rapidly. People want to connect with real people. Don't position yourself as someone who has ALL the answers and lives a PERFECT life and has everything color coordinated and organized and perfectly clean in your closets but be someone people can relate to. Share your life, share how you live and inspire others. I learn just as much from those who have a relationship with me through Social Media as they do from me. It's a beautifully beneficial relationship. Ironically it's one of my biggest USP's that can't be copied but it can be caught. Be yourself, be real and you'll have clients who make your life such a joy!

social media, while not ubiquitous to business, is by no means still a mystery. There are thousands of businesses of all sizes who "get it". Is yours one of them? If so, that is great and we'd love to share insights with you. If not, how will you get up to date? Where do you begin?

When you settle into such sites, it is better to go with the mind set of engaging, rather than digital marketing. It may be your goal, but interacting is the key to this. Also, such sort of digital marketing on social media agency media sites is better if it is pre-planned and promoted beforehand.

If you think that these approaches would also be valuable in face-to-face networking (at association meetings, chamber mixers, networking groups, client-recognition events), you would be right. You just need to be extra careful, because you often don't have the personal connection, interaction, and chemistry online that you have in person. Of course, personal introductions and referrals will have a tremendous effect all around.

11 and under - "F" - Your agency lacks a solid understanding of how to promote your business online. You may want to think about hiring someone who understands how to use digital marketing or social media in a more effective way.

That's marketing with pin-point, sniper-like accuracy. Printing up and blindly passing out a gaggle of flyers will only be wasting your time and lots of paper. (And ink. That stuff gets expensive!) Instead, target your customers by finding out where they flock. For example, do you sell widgets? Well, log on to a widget forum online or hit up the nearest widget-lovers convention and start putting your company (and your face) out there. Those people already want what you got! Every new business already has clients waiting on them if they can market their product better.

There are several tools you can use to automate your social media. For example, you can have your tweets automatically post to Facebook and LinkedIn. You can have your blog postings automatically sent to an article hosting site. But my favorite program allows me to post to all social media marketing media profiles in just one click and I can program my posts to go out months in advance! There are even tools that have a feature that posts the messages when it is calculated for the most followers to see it.

Now that you know what your purpose is on your social media sites, your now minimizing lost time browsing and wondering, and meaningless chatting. So Congratulations, you are one step closer to success:). So, *ahem, how are you going to measure your social media success? I bring this up because if you can't measure your goals to meet them, then your kinda kicking yourself in the foot before you even begin... and we really don't want that!

Yes, there is a lot written on social media. One of our best tips is to embrace it all. Learn as much as you can about how to do it right and continually tweak what you do. The results will show you why it's a key factor in today's successful marketing strategies. And remember whenever you need help; you can depend on an online support specialist to take over for you. They are already skilled in social media marketing and can assist you in creating and maintaining both the image you want and a brand you can be proud of.
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