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I was very passionate about studying in London or in Bristol. reasons for this was that obviously they are both top universites so a degree from either would be respectful but also the element of familiarity with the two put my mind at ease and it was somewhat nice to know i would either be in london with all my relatively new friends but hopefully frends for life and if not, i would be in Bristol with a few but not too may people that i know so that i could enjoy the university exp while also have 'go to's' if i was feeling a bit 'lost'/'lonely' another perk of bristol is that it is reasonably close and so coming home to see my friends during their gap year wouldnt have been an issue and i wouldnt be 'losing' them....

my current situation was gutting because the more i thought about it, things didnt work in my head as i had imagined... noone i know is going to york - i realise i am able to settle into places easily and im not one to get homesick but its still comforting to know you have someone at a big stage like this- and also,,, York is much further away making "the dream" that Bristol was offering **less so** of a possibility

from this i deduced that i wasnt ready to go to a university that wasnt my firm or insuranve in the next month...
this left me with the prospect of a 'gap year' where i would have to re-sit 2 of my mathematics modules and in the meantime re-apply and retry to places such as bristol with safety nets such as sheffield to ensure we didnt repeat this year's events

now while i am happy to resit these modules and am passionate about improving my math grade to a letter that i feel i originally deserved much more than the letter I received...due to a competitiveness and fighting spirit that i was brought up to possess (waffle but you know what i mean) it dawned upon me as Robert and Francesca and others repeatedly say... that York is a highly respectable university which is perhaps even 'superior' to the places to which i would apply if i was reapplying... this therefore got me thinking what would be the point in throwing it away and lead to my suggestion of deffering York which to my parents seems like the most stupid thing in the world

Why do i think deferring york is a good idea?
Not only does this mean i spend the year in london with my friends which i was reasonably passionate about as this was *one* of the motivating factors behind a london univiersity,,, but its a total failsafe as it means whether i resit or not i have a place at university for 2016 entry
by defferring york i also go away to university at the same time as my friends who are all going to different places and therefore will have a peace of mind knowing we are all going through the same thing in different places

resitting for you may seem like a scary prospect and a boring repetition of last year however the difference is that i believe i will be doing other things and as math is almost like a hobby to me, i wont bore having to learn the same stuff again and will not only happily but also easily be able to understand the material and knuckle down closer to the exams

studying is not an issue, i did it all of last 7 year and that was spread out over numerous subjects and modules this is two very similar modules

yes things did go wrong but that doesnt mean i should settle for less or stop following dreams or ideals that i once had and so the reason for the year out is simply to pursue these and make them happen in a way that will make me happy as this is what i am and have been set on
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