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Why outsource your back office to Payingit?
Outsource back office
Employment agencies are good at achieving the perfect match. But as an intermediary you also spend a lot of time on other activities, such as wage payments, corrections, invoicing and questions from temporary workers. In addition, you must pre-finance the wages and you must be a member of a temporary employment collective agreement, meet the requirements of the NEN-4400 certification and be in possession of a G-account. Payingit can help you with its back office services!

If you don't want to worry about this, you can outsource your back office to Payingit. We take over the administrative and financial activities from you, so you have plenty of time for commercial activities.

Why outsource your back office to Payingit?
Sparring partner with specialist experience in the HR and flex industry
Recurring evaluations with updates on market developments
An energetic and positive team that always goes the extra mile for you

Our core values
To do
To dare
and the Truth
Who are we?
Innovation and technology. That's the basics. People and service, those are our priorities.
Payingit is driven, enterprising and human. We partner with hundreds of customers and thousands of employees to go beyond being an employer.

To do. We always go the extra mile.

Dare . We choose our own path.

The truth. Together we determine the route.

Back office Outsourcing
The back office is the part of your organization that is specifically aimed at processing administrative customer processes. For example, you can think of drawing up quotations and contracts, drawing up invoices and managing company files. The back office handles all administrative processes, without having direct customer contact. The opposite of back-office is front-office, where people have direct contact with customers. Back office activities are mainly behind the scenes and that is why it is possible to outsource this part of the organization to Payingit!

With Payingit's broadcasting services, we support you with running the complete back office. When outsourcing the back office, we take over the following activities from you:

Invoicing to your end customers : if desired, we take over the entire invoicing from you, also to your end customers.
Pre-financing : we pay your temporary workers and wait for payment from your customers, so that there is no liquidity pressure for you.
Debtor management and risk management : we can cover the debtor risk for you.
Payment margin : we periodically automatically calculate the margin achieved by you (sales rate – purchasing payroll). This margin is then paid to you.
Outsourcing the back office is always custom work. Your situation affects our rate. Our rates depend on:

The contract forms;
Which payment conditions you use;
Type of salary and phase count for the employee;
How big is your debtor portfolio?
We value honest and open communication. That is why we are transparent in advance about our working method and rates. If you fill in our contact form, we will call you back within 1 working day to discuss the options without obligation.

Working with a payroll company is all about trust. Part of this is certification and timely payments. We are fully certified.

This means that we comply with:

NEN 4400-1 certification; with this certification from the Labor Standards Foundation, you ensure that the personnel and payroll administration are correct;
VCA; with this certificate we guarantee the safety and health of your employees

NBBU membership : NBBU is the branch organization for professional intermediaries in the labor market;
Statement of payment behavior ; with this, the tax authorities indicate that we pay the payroll taxes on time;
G-account : this is a blocked account with which Payingit as a company can only pay the tax authorities. The G-account covers against additional assessment of payroll taxes and the Chain Liability Act.
The mentioned WKA documentation can be found in our downloads .

Outsource the back office of your employment agency or secondment agency? Focus on getting assignments, recruitment and guidance while we deal with the administrative side of your employment agency. As Payingit, we retain the identity of your organization and you have full control over the implementation through the agreements made. Backoffice uitbesteden

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Regards; Team

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