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[C][°— ❁ —°|]

[C] [IMG=S8Q]

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[C]「Full Name」
[IC] ⚘ Xui Lee

[C]「Name Meaning」
[IC] ⚘ There is actually no real meaning to his name, surprisingly, only a few little attributes that come off his name. If I were to give it a meaning, I think it should mean ‘elegance’ and ‘warmth’. Lee means different.

[IC] ⚘ Z • Wee • Lee

[IC] ⚘ Kitten

[C]「Nickname Reason」
[IC] ⚘ Surprisingly, it isn’t at all because he’s a neko. His mother always called him Kitten because his personality was kind of like one, always playful, very clumsy, and not to mention he was quite a cutie. Unfortunately, he hasn’t heard that nickname in a long time.

[IC] ⚘ November 19th

[IC] ⚘ Topaz • Citrine

[C]「Birth Flower」
[IC] ⚘ Chrysanthemum

[C]「Physical Age」
[IC] ⚘ 19

[IC] ⚘ Virgo

[C]「Biological Sex」
[IC] ⚘ Male

[IC] ⚘ Homosexual

[C] [IMG=L2E]

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[IC] ⚘ Nekomimi • Calico

[C]「Blood Type」
[IC] ⚘ AB

[IC] ⚘ 5’6 • 167cm

[IC] ⚘ 126lbs • 57kg

[C]「Hair Length」
[IC] ⚘ Just barely above his shoulders

[C]「Hair Color」
[IC] ⚘ Pastel pink

[C]「Hair Texture」
[IC] ⚘ It’s very soft, often referred to as a cloud like feeling

[C]「Body Build」
[IC] ⚘ Endomorph

[C]「Eye Color」
[IC] ⚘ A swirl of many blues; Dark, light, aqua, teal

[IC] ⚘ He has a small silver chain necklace with a beautiful amulet that used to be his mother’s, but she told him to take it as a memory before he ran away to live safely.

[C]「Voice Description」
[IC] ⚘ This is another trait about him that’s soft, but it isn’t feminine, it’s just a light, soft tone that most males don’t have

[C]「Voice Claim」
[IC] ⚘ WIP

[C] [IMG=X4M]

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[C] 「Personality Description」
[IC] ⚘ Xui is normally what people explained as a neutral person. It wasn't often that people saw him happy or sad, except when he was in the cafe talking to Hanah, that's when it was possible to see him smiling. He's quite a happy person though, for having such a horrible past, and he's someone that a lot of people would love, if he ever got the confidence to actually talk to anyone. He prefers when people come up to him, he's made a few acquaintances that way, but because he doesn't have a phone or a place to call home, its hard to keep friends.

[C]─ ✥ ─

[C]「Positive Traits」
[IC] ⚘ Loving
[IC] ⚘ Loyal
[IC] ⚘ Trustworthy

[C]「Negative Traits」
[IC] ⚘ Clingy
[IC] ⚘ Stubborn
[IC] ⚘ Easily jealous

[IC] ⚘ Fish
[IC] ⚘ Cuddling
[IC] ⚘ Animals

[IC] ⚘ Spicy food
[IC] ⚘ Blood
[IC] ⚘ Being controlled

[C]「Pet Peeves」
[IC] ⚘ When people make as much noise as possible when eating
[IC] ⚘ Slow walkers

[C]「Soft Spots」
[IC] ⚘ Being pet. He absolutely loves when someone strokes his hair, rubs his ears, or pets him all the way down to the tip of his fluffy tail. He almost always completely melts when someone does that

[IC] ⚘ Needles
[IC] ⚘ Certain bugs like spiders and beetles
[IC] ⚘ Death

[IC] ⚘ Thalassophobia

[C]「Usual Mood」
[IC] ⚘ Neutral, not happy or sad

[C]「Rarest Mood」
[IC] ⚘ Angry

[C]「How do they behave when happy?」
[IC] ⚘ He smiles and laughs a lot when he’s speaking with someone, and if he’s just walking along the streets, he’ll have a bit of a pep in his step. If you listen hard enough, you will most likely hear a very light purr coming from him.

[C]「How do they behave when sad?」
[IC] ⚘ He becomes very quiet. He normally won’t cry unless he’s with someone that he is very comfortable with, but that also depends on where he is, if they’re alone then the chance of seeing him cry is very likely, but aside from that he’s just quiet.

[C]「How do they behave when angry?」
[IC] ⚘ He’ll probably try to avoid whatever is making him angry, and if it’s a person, he could possibly glare at them or tell them off. He’s normally a really nice person, so he will most likely cool off quite fast.

[C]「How do they behave when afraid?」
[IC] ⚘ His ears will be flat against his head, and he’ll shrink down and just become very hesitant to speak or do anything really. That depends on what he’s afraid of though, if its a person, then he’ll act as said, but if it’s a bug or a needle, no doubt he will freak out and try to get as far away from that as possible.

[C]「How do they behave when in love?」
[IC] ⚘ The neko becomes a thousand times more adorable then he already is when he gains feelings for someone. His cheeks will be flushed, he’ll probably be pretty nervous about doing or saying certain things, but most of all, he’ll be extremely happy and bubbly around that person.

[C]「Worst Memory」
[IC] ⚘ When he had to watch his parents get tortured for a whole week. That memory is something that will never go away, which he hates, but he had gotten better at dealing with the emotions attached to that horrid event

[C]「Best Memory」
[IC] ⚘ When a little girl took him into her home for awhile. Her mother wasn’t very happy about having a cat, since he had been in his feline form in that time, but she took such good care of him. That was the first time in a few years he had felt love again, it’s been about seven years since that happened, and he was determined to one day find that girl again and thank her for what she had done to help him live.

[C] [IMG=D4T]

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[C]「Family Wealth」
[IC] ⚘ His family was quite poor, since where he lived before had a huge hate towards nekos, his parents couldn’t get very good jobs.

[C]「Family Reputation」
[IC] ⚘ His father had a pretty neutral reputation, but his mother was loved quite a bit because of her extroverted and happy personality. Nobody knew they were hybrids before they died.

[IC] ⚘ Name: Lee Yunah
[IC] ⚘ Age: 31
[IC] ⚘ Status: Deceased
[IC] ⚘ Relationship: Xui was most definitely a mother’s boy, he always helped his mom out around the house and did everything a seven year old could.

[IC] ⚘ Name: Lee Kane
[IC] ⚘ Age: 33
[IC] ⚘ Status: Deceased
[IC] ⚘ Relationship: Xui and his father always used to play together whenever he was off work, whether it be sports like volleyball or just having a game of hide and seek.

[IC] ⚘ Name: Hanah Goldberg
[IC] ⚘ Age: 17
[IC] ⚘ Status: Alive
[IC] ⚘ Relationship: She works at a cafe that he visits whenever he manages to get money, and she’s been the only person that he actually felt comfortable talking with.

[IC] ⚘ Name: Finn Supler
[IC] ⚘ Age: 21
[IC] ⚘ Status: Alive
[IC] ⚘ Relationship: This man was the only person that could actually make him get annoyed, sometimes even mad. He always tried to ruin his day or take his money, almost like a typical high school bully, but a thousand times more annoying.

[C] [IMG=I5M]

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[C]「Peaceful / Hostile」
[IC] ⚘ Peaceful

[C]「Territorial / Non-Territorial」
[IC] ⚘ Non-Territotial

[C]「Angry / Calm」
[IC] ⚘ Calm

[C]「Arrogant / Kind」
[IC] ⚘ Kind

[C]「Innocent / Dirty Minded」
[IC] ⚘ Both

[C]「Optimist / Pessimist」
[IC] ⚘ Text here

[C]「Leader / Follower」
[IC] ⚘ Follower

[C]「Modest / Boastful」
[IC] ⚘ Modest

[C]「Honest / Liar」
[IC] ⚘ Honest

[C]「Exaggerated / Moderated」
[IC] ⚘ Moderaged

[C]「Stable / Unstable」
[IC] ⚘ Stable

[C]「Logical / Emotional」
[IC] ⚘ Emotional

[C]「Realist / Idealist」
[IC] ⚘ Idealist

[C]「Daredevil / Cautious」
[IC] ⚘ Cautious

[C]「Merciless / Merciful」
[IC] ⚘ Merciful

[C]「Aware / Naive」
[IC] ⚘ Both

[C] [IMG=H4L]

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[IC] ⚘ When Xui was a young neko, the place he lived wasn’t as okay with hybrids as they are now. There were many gangs that were out to kill hybrids, since they were a ‘disgrace to the human kind.’ Xui and his family had been safe for many years, but when the little neko turned 7, that’s when the incident happened. One of the most brutal gangs had found them, and there seemed to be no way of escape. They didn’t try to kill or hurt Xui, but what they had done was much more traumatizing. Xui was forced to watch as the gang tortured his parents in every way possible. The gang had the torture go on for nearly a whole week, and by then, they left the parents to bleed to death. No matter how professional someone might be, mistakes are always bound to happen, and luckily for Xui, one did. It seemed as if one of the less experienced gang members had tied him to the chair, and Xui managed to free his hands after hours of struggle. The gang had left the building after hearing about another hybrid family, and they didn’t think that the boy would free himself. He wanted to help his parents, but with what little life they had left in them, they just told him to run, to hide, to stay safe and far away from these brutal people. That’s exactly what the neko did, he ran away from his home town and snuck on a plane in his cat form, which was why he didn’t get caught. He went to a new country, far away from his hometown, and has lived there up until now.

[C]「Fun Facts」
[IC] ⚘ The picture above is what he looks like in his cat form. He doesn’t know why he’s still the size of a kitten though
[IC] ⚘ Even though he doesn’t seem to like having people around him, Xui really wishes he could make more friends, he’s just too nervous to do so.
[IC] ⚘ Most cats hate water, and he does too, but only when it touches him. He’s perfectly fine with drinking it so long as he has a straw.

[C]~ fιи ~
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