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Tundra Flora
Arctic Tundra: Because the climate in the Tundra Biome is particularly inhospitable settings, the flowers found within the biome are very few. Within the Arctic Biome, the majority of plants are mosses, grasses, lichens, sedges, and shrubs. Cotton grass is very common in this region. This vegetation has been able to adapt to its environment.
Alpine Tundra: The plants that grow within this Tundra Biome are called Alpine Plants. It’s primarily consists of mosses, lichens, sedges, perennial grasses, and cushion plants. The most abundant plant is the Caribou moss.
Antarctic Tundra: Because the Arctic Tundra’s climate is very cold and dries, the region is primarily ice fields. Within the Antarctic Peninsula, the plants that grow there are aquatic and terrestrial, for example algae, liverworts, reindeer mosses, sedges, shrubs, pearlwort, hair grass, and lichens.
Tundra Fauna
Arctic Tundra: Within the Arctic Tundra there are herds of reindeer, polar bears, foxes, wolves, migrating birds, and rabbits. There is only about 48 species, which is very large given their low biodiversity.
Alpine Tundra: The majority of the animals in this specific biome are goats, caribou, marmots, elks and pikas.
Antarctic Tundra: The Antarctic Tundra has several birds and sea animals. These animals include penguins, seals, and a variety of fish species that circulate this Tundra region.
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