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The Wave of Technology
As part of the personal development, I actually regularly attend live webinars. The subject in one of these kinds of weekly calls seemed to be technology, the acceleration at how this is certainly advancing and what this implies for the future. This subject is so strongly related all of all of us, I had an obligation to share this in the blog.

Will be certainly no doubt of which technology has received some sort of huge impact upon society. It has radically changed the particular way companies do business and affected how we live each of our day to working day lives. From your breakthroughs in medicine and education, to travel plus communication, were today living longer due to the fact of it. Using the speed with which machines are usually improving along with the amount of tasks they will do today, what does this mean for humanity and just how will this affect us in our working lives?

Precisely what is the benefit of a machine over a person?

Compared to be able to humans, machines can easily work faster, remove human error and minimize overhead costs. This is therefore not surprising that Oxford University or college predicts in the next twenty years, 47% of US work will be taken away by artificial cleverness! website provides on the working population is not something totally new. During the Business Revolution workers have been being replaced simply by machinery which tendency is growing.

Those who do not understand from history will be destined to repeat it

We need to be able to adapt to the changing times. Consider the internet revolution which often led to typically the World Wide Net and e-commerce, this particular wiped out household labels, companies like Kodak and Blockbuster online video. The companies that include boomed over the last number of years, such as Airbnb and Uber operate mainly by means of an app.

These days technology is improving at such the high pace of which jobs being replaced are not present in manufacturing in addition to simple tasks this sort of customer service tasks, (in China there may be already a cafe w here waitresses have been replaced by robots) but computers is going to be so highly intelligent, they will start competing with the particular human brain. Therefore entire professions will probably be replaced!

To display this level regarding intelligence, in 2011 IBM built a brilliant personal computer called Watson which often competed with a couple of of the in history most successful mentally stimulating games players and beat them! This evidently shows it will be now possible a new machine can think analytically and strategically. This win had been monumental. It proven a machine was able to think for itself, employ facial recognition, face expressions and read gestures.

Also throughout recent years, with all the introduction of 3 DIMENSIONAL printing. This technology allows highly customised parts and items to be published on demand, by furniture, clothes, bones and prostheses to be able to auto, airplane and building parts, this kind of will result in a new widespread disruption inside all industries.

Breakthroughs are noticeable all around us

Disappearing are typically the days where at this time there was a particular person in Toll Booths who greeted you and took your dollars, these days there is a machine to slot your own card. Typewriters usually are now computers plus laptops. I recall throughout my teens prior to mobile phones were affordable, many associated with my friends acquired pagers. How annoying would this be today, having in order to call an amount, leave a message plus return telephone number, in addition to then just ready at this mobile phone for this person to return your call up. I waited many a times throughout a cold mobile phone box for any call up back! And what regarding the first moment you did find a fax machine machine in action plus how mind throwing out it was when the document was printed that came through somewhere else! Right now these things seem therefore ancient, but this specific was only 15-20 years ago. Only look at the particular speed within the progression of technology and imagine how we will be communicating throughout 15-20 years from now!

'It is simply not the strongest in the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It does not take one that is the the majority of adaptable to change' - Charles Darwin

Consider Moore's Law, an observation that Gordon Moore manufactured back 1965. He pointed out that the amount of transistors designs could cram upon a silicon processor chip, doubled every 24-months. Therefore the processing power of our own pcs should double just about every two years. Supposing microprocessor manufacturers can continue to live up in order to Moore's Law, that would mean computers 100 years through now would become 1, 125, 899, 906, 842, 624 times more efficient compared to computers today! That's huge! There are all those who argue, Moore's Law will quickly commence to break lower. However you can find others who believe presently there is no guarantee it will ever get to a threshold, and computer power is usually projected to surpass the potency of all individual brains.

Ride the wave

Already seem at how technological innovation is impacting the particular next generation. To think while i have kids they are going to never ever know of fax machines, pagers and even land phones. Today children don't have even to type any longer - they question Siri!

High technological innovation drives a brand new era of worldwide prosperity and rapid change, and possessing the right skills for the electronic digital economy will boost competitiveness and production. Approach this, not really from a crisis point of view but from involving opportunity, you don't have to end up being a tech geek but start making use of technology to your current advantage. With internet sites such as freelance artist. com and elance. com, business's are generally now looking to the internet for online assistants / designers and accountants. Cope with have to actually be present. You can be working for a company or particular person 1000s of miles coming from you. You will be operating from home using your family. An individual could be travelling the world!

The trend of technology is happening. You could either be pulled under or you can command and journey it. Use this to your benefit, and make sure you usually are on the appropriate side of typically the tech wave.

Happiness could be the ultimate target in being productive. Life is treasured, strive to generate and live typically the life you select.
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