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History Notes 10-24-22 (Aviana Sholander)
Causes of the reformation
root(s): Reform(change), Formation(create)
The Catholic church is being reformed(1482)

During the Renaissance, people are starting to get interested in math, art science, and education. People are beginning to learn and beginning to question the way things are. They start branching out and exploring. People are beginning to question their place in the world which leads to them questioning the church. This leads to the age of exploration.
The catholic church is very powerful in this age.

Symbol of the keys: Jesus christ handing the keys(or ownership of the church) to saint peter as his successor (Catholics believe this, but some Christians do not [today's world])

saint peter becomes the first vicar (pope in today's world). [Vicar- Christ's representative on earth]
(Papal means pope)
-cardinals (right below the pope, 1 or 2 per country)[popes are chosen from the college of cardinals{it is a vote}]
-Bishop (appointed by a cardinal from a priest/monk) [have to be a man]
-priest/monks (have to go to school to be a priest

pope- white
cardinals- red
monks- black or brown

Religious monopoly- trying to be the only faith (in an area or overall)

They spoke Latin in Rome
the first bibles were written in Latin
it was decreed that the bible should never be written or spoken in a vulgar language(it needed to stay in Latin)

people can't speak Latin, all church services are being spoken in Latin, and nobody knows what's going on, (only priests, cardinals, and bishops can read the bible)
this leads to corruption
they can "change" the bible
they can say anything they want is in the Bible
they start to sell off positions in the church(pope, cardinal, bishop(simony)
nepotism(giving preferential treatment to family or others

no one can stop them because they can't refer to the bible because it is in Latin and they can't read it

-popes could abuse their power
-only men
-other people could be oppressed
-nobosy can read latin
-religious monopoly

-pope has all the power

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