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Cardio At Home
An at-home cardio routine is a great way to get in or stay in shape. With our busy lifestyles today, most people don't have the time to go to a gym or the desire to run outside. Naturally, more and more people are looking to train at home as an alternative.

One of the biggest obstacles that you may run into is staying motivated. Although you need motivation at a gym, it is generally easier to get moving once you are there and see all the other people and feel the energy. The best way to overcome this is to get a set schedule and block off time for each workout. If you wait until you have some extra time to work out, you will never exercise. Before you know it, your new treadmill will be collecting dust or used to pile clothes on top of it. If you like music, then turn some on, turn it up, and get moving! This should get you going and wake you up, primarily if you work out in the early morning, as I do.

Ok, so let's assume that you are working out regularly now but want to get the most results for your time. There are many different types of equipment that you can buy, but in my opinion, a treadmill will give you the most bang for your buck. The cardio routine that I am going to discuss now will work with other types of equipment, too, though. If you have an elliptical machine or bike, you can still follow this routine and achieve incredible results.

Two types of cardio:

First off, there are two different types of cardio that I am going to discuss: interval training and steady-state cardio . There has been much debate over what is best between the two. In my opinion, if you had to do just one, do intervals, although there is a time to do steady-state cardio. So in my training, I do both.

Diet is more important than exercise.

Before we get into the training part, I want to say that it doesn't matter what routine you follow if you eat too many calories. People like to think that getting in shape is all about exercising. Sorry guys, it's not. I would venture to say that your diet is more important than the routine that you are doing. You can't out-exercise a bad diet! Remember this, and you will make far better results.

The goal is fat loss.

I am assuming you are doing cardio because you want to lose fat. This is the goal of the type of routine I am discussing. Of course, cardio has other benefits, but for this article, we are trying to lose fat. The best way to lose fat is to do resistance training and cardio. Many different studies back this up. If you train only cardio versus doing resistance training and cardio together, you will get better results doing cardio and resistance training. That said, this article will only discuss the cardio part of your training.

Interval cardio training

I generally only do around 20 minutes of cardio because I spend around 45 minutes doing resistance training. Now you can do many types of resistance training at home, including pushups, dips, pullups, chin-ups, and many other bodyweight exercises. If you have a little space and an exercise ball, you will be amazed at what you can do without any weights.

An example of an excellent interval type of cardio training on a treadmill would go something like this:

-Warm up at around 3-4 mph for around 4 minutes

-from minutes 4-5, go around 60% of max (usually around 6-7 mph)

-minute 5-6, go around 90% (about 9-10 mph)

-minutes 6-7, go down to 4 mph

-minutes 7-8, go back up to 90%

-minutes 8-9, go back to 4 mph

You will continue to alternate like this until around 16 minutes; then, you will keep it down at 3-4 mph to cool down to the 20 minutes. There are many ways to change this up, like going the slower pace (4 mph) for only 30 secs instead of a minute, going slow for 2 minutes, or even going fast for 2 minutes. It would be best if you tried many variations of this to see what works best for you and prevent it from getting stale or boring.

Steady-state cardio

You can do steady-state cardio if you have more time to train or want to do cardio on different days than resistance training. This type of cardio is what most people do and consists of warming up and going to a certain speed, such as 4 or 5 mph, and staying at this pace for 45 minutes to an hour. I don't personally get as good of results with the steady state as I do with intervals, but sometimes I will do intervals for twenty minutes, then do 40 minutes of steady state. It all depends on my time restraints and what I am trying to accomplish at that time.

As you can see, there is no one clear-cut way to train that is better than the rest. You need to try many different approaches, chart your progress, and see what works for you. Before you know it, you will know how your body responds and will be able to design the routine that gets you the body that you desire.
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