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goggles, leather cap

she's gone...
what do we do now...
we finish what we started.
he stops
You don't know what you're doing.
Billy, what are you doing here? You were supposed to be happily united with a kid.
Billy: yeah, I was supposed to...
: And???
Billy: But I wasn't! I was left hanging on the hook of a door. Waiting for some kid to come and pick me up, but no one came.
: What?
: but, but they're supposed to love plushies.
Billy: yeah, well they didn't love me, not even as a plushie.
: Billy, that's terrible.
T: They did the same to me!
W: and me.
K: I was left on a shelf for 5 years.
T: me too, I never even glimpsed the sight of a kid's bedroom
P: Wait, you were all puppets?
B: Once, but after we got stuffed, we were placed back on the shelves waiting to get bought by a kid... but no one wanted us.
: But you were plushies, kids can't resist plushies!
: We just... weren't enough for them.
: oh no. The marionette. She lied to us! She said no kid could resist the fluff of a plushie.
: All this time, we took the stuffing of plushies for ourselves because we thought we would be turned into something loveable. Something kid's couldn't pass by anymore.
: We thought plushies got all the love, we just wanted to know what that felt like. Just once.
: So you came here and destroyed our safe haven? You tried to destroy us!
: We... we thought we were doing good. We'd help puppets by lessening the amount of plushies to compete against. The marionette told us that plushies were our competitors. That they were taking love that belonged to us. (So we destroyed plushies, and took their stuffing just to get that love back).
: But even after you became plushies no one wanted you. It seems no one could love us, and we justified such terrible things we did to you all. We- we're so sorry.
: No wonder kids don't like you. Destroying innocent little plushies. You all are monsters.
: Yeah, get out of here! Nobody wants you.
: Go away you freaks.
*plsuhesi join in the name calling and puppets are hurt by this statement*
Coral: wait! Wait!
TAky: Coral!
C: *puff puff* Don't, don't send them away. Please Tacky, just here me out. Puppets come back!
*puppets stops*
C: I know we are different types of toys. But, you're not the only ones who've been abandoned. The plushies here, they came here to find love where they couldn't find from others. They've been abandoned in the rain, left to dust on the shelves, stuck in attics for years and years. They want to be loved just like you...
the marionette. She had no love, only hate. Hatred for the world, hatred for plushies, hatred for her very existence. She loathed being a marionette, she wanted to be anything else. So, I came to her, and I told her I could give her the love she wanted. But she used it against me, and trapped me as her own prisoner while hurting others. She couldn't find love when she hated herself so much.
But you don't have to be like her. You have a place in this world, whether it's being with a kid or each other, each one of you, each one of us wants to be loved. And whether you're a plushie or a puppet, isn't that something we all want?
So let me talk to you Tacky. You can either banish them, show them the hate they have within themselves, or you can let them join us and rebuild our safe haven, where we can find the love we crave within each other.
T: Coral, you- they tried to destroy us.
C: Maybe, but they're not anymore. We should show them the love they wanted, the love they couldn't get. Because if we don't, then those puppets will continue to do these things. These terrible things out of hate and envy, instead of aiding each other through love and empathy. Do you want to be the one who continues this path of hate between puppets and plushies?
T: n-no.
C: then you puppets are welcome to stay here if you'd like.
*some of the puppets consider it, while others scoff and leave to the forest. They come near the plushies but the plushies step back, they are scared. One plushie comes out though to a wooden puppet*
B: I-i-I like your wood ):)
: oh, um thank you

Idea: after the battle, the puppets seem to want to continue it, but former puppets come out from the plushies and tell them to stop. The puppets stop stunned, the very puppets turned into plushies who were supposed to be the very first successes of puppet-> plushie transformation who were supposedly bought by children are there. This implies that they were abandoned even as plushies, which was thought impossible to puppets since they thought plushies were loved and wanted by everyone. The puppets begin rethinking and realize that hurting the plushies is worth nothing, that they may have never even been enemies to begin with. Tilly apologizes to the plushies on the puppets behalf, realizing the awful things they have don,e the plushies initially scold them off and insult them away, but Coral comes through and gives a speech to the puppets saying they are not the only ones who have been hurt or abandoned by children and that nearly every plushie at the safe haven is there for that. At the end of the day, they all share the same need, love. Coral tells Tacky to let them join the safe haven, so that they can all find that love together. Tacky is hesitant at first but then agrees, on the account that they will help rebuild the safe haven with them to earn the citizenship. A good chunk of the puppets agree but others turn away. the plushies aren't into it though, until a brave soul steps out and starts talking to one of them, then others come in and realize they have more in common with the puppets than they initially thought. Not everyone is convinced of course, but the ones who are, are the ones that made a great change. The puppets gain citizenship and even help the plushies build new technology.
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