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ŚLADAMI HARREGO POTTERA - Wycieczka Szkolna Autokarem
Further down Saint Jerome appears with his ear-trumpet; he takes up the trumpet and puts it down; he writes, and takes up the trumpet; and the book appears with considerable light and considerable darkness (clarification: Saint Jerome translated the Hebrew bible of his time into Latin, a work which was called the Vulgate, the Church’s official bible until the Palmarian). Besides, there was more than one mystical intervention to settle different questions, for example, a very beautiful vision of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen Essenia, seated on a throne above the then Lake of Essenia (today the Dead Sea), venerated by a multitude of Angels chanting Her name, whose meaning is ‘holy’, in order to confirm the manifestation of Mary’s Soul as consort to Most Holy Melchisedech in Abraham’s time. The Holy Palmarian Bible is the Magnum Opus of the two Palmarian Holy Councils (1980-1992; 1995-2002), in the course of which the existence of falsifications in the sacred bible text became sadly ever more evident.

There are several episodes narrated by the Evangelists with texts which appear to conflict with each other, the explanation being that the episode occurred more than once: For instance, three were Saint Peter’s confessions in July of the year 33; three were the announcements by Jesus of Saint Peter’s denials, and three of Judas Iscariot’s betrayal, etc. Then, below the Most Holy Virgin Mary’s visage, appear the following words: ‘Permission and mystery’. Another series was owing to King Manasses of Judah and Samaria united, in order to cover up the ruinous consequences of his idolatrous government, and make believe that none of the preceding kings had been good, both of the Kingdom of Judah and of the Kingdom of Samaria; so that in the falsified text all the kings of Samaria appear to be bad, when in reality there were four holy kings among them, namely Jehu, Joachaz, Jeroboam II and Faceas.

In the course of the Council work, several series of adulterations were encountered in the sacred texts: for example, one series in the Books of Moses, owing to levitical priests downgrading the great Caudillo and giving greater credit to his brother Aaron, the first Levitical High Priest. King Solomon was responsible for another series in order to disparage his father, King Saint David, and thus cover up his own iniquity and bad government. Not surprisingly, certain Jewish groups have already started complaining that the IPN has become “politicized” at the hands of Poland’s (leftist-demonized) PiS government. And the Book of the Apocalypse likewise needed considerable restoration to become what it is today: a stupendous guide, easy to read, for understanding the times in which we live and those to come up until the Last Judgement, and beyond. Those words oppose the truth, oppose everything already defined for centuries and centuries by the Church: that the Virgin Mary was Virgin in childbirth, before childbirth and after childbirth, that is, perpetual Virgin.

The true text says that this general circumcision was of all those converted through the apostolate carried out by Most Holy Melchisedech throughout the Land of Canaan prior to the conquest, as stated in the Book of Wisdom, and those converts thus joined the Jewish People with full rights, and were aggregated to the different tribes. Already in kartkówka of the First Palmarian Holy Council, this great biblical task could be foreseen owing to i vision of Pope Saint Gregory XVII on the 21st of May 1981 in the Mother House of the Order in Seville, which he himself relates: “I saw a large book, and the Holy Ghost with a quill in His beak tracing out writing, and that Book appears entirely full of light. Next is seen a book in which all the mysteries appear: only one book was written with full inspiration, and that book no longer exists. The masoretic bible (clarification: this is the bible of the Judaic sect, namely the Old Testament) is written by several people, and the same occurs as with the ear-trumpet, for the book appears with light and much darkness; and then upon the Hebrew text, some gestures are seen of jews making capricious changes.

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