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Intelligence based physical activity - Because humans are far more intellectually capable than any other animal, our physical activity tends to be more sophisticated and goal-oriented. We perform basic activities such as pushups or pullups and extremely delicate processes such as brain surgery. Animals such as a monkey are very talented climbers, however they could never organize a speed climbing race.

Art based physical activity - Humans are the only species that can convey emotions or beauty through activities such as song and dance. Animals such as chimps can convey feelings through sign language however, they cannot use muscular actions into symbolistic works of art such as a play like joseph and the technicolor dream coat.

Flexibility and adaptability of physical activity - Human's upright posture, stereoscopic vision, bipedal gait, and thumbs give us the advantage for a wide range of activities. Our arms aren't occupied with the assistance of movement, so they are free to do an extra task. Our hands can lift heavy objects and perform delicate procedures.

Ability to improve performance through planned experience - Humans can improve our capacity for physical activity through systematic practice and training. only humans possess the intelligence to systematically achieve a higher level of performance through conditioning. A lion can learn to hunt better through experience, but their motivation is hunger and survival, not self-improvement.

5. I have been playing lacrosse since I was 10 years old. I started because my best friend started playing lacrosse in 5th grade. He moved away and I continued to play until my senior year of high school. Because of my parents' financial situation, I was unable to get nice gear until I got a job to pay for myself. I couldn't afford to join club teams or travel with my friends. Still, I was determined to develop myself until I eventually joined the varsity team my freshman year at EHS. Our program was underfunded so the team coached themselves for half the school year. We had a new coach every year, so we never had a long-term plan to get the team good. Still, we tried to not let it affect morale. We lost the majority of our games, but the team comradery was still there. I had some of the best times of my high school career on that field. Now I want to give back to the team who meant so much to me and I want to coach them.

6. 1. The effects of endurance exercise on the heart: panacea or poison?
2. The effects of endurance exercise on the heart: panacea or poison? - PubMed ( to an external site.

3. The article discussed the benefits of regular, moderate cardiovascular exercise while also shining a light on the health detriments that endurance athletes face.

4. I learned that too much endurance exercise can lead to CAD, myocardial fibrosis, and arrhythmias. but even with these health problems, endurance athletes still have a longer life expectancy than the general population.

1. The Importance of Muscular Strength in Athletic Performance

2. The Importance of Muscular Strength in Athletic Performance - PubMed ( to an external site.

3. This article talks about the benefits of strength training in athletes for the best performance and reduction of injury both on and off the field.

4. I learned that sport scientists and practitioners should implement long-term training strategies that promote the greatest muscular strength within the required context of each sport/event.

10. I believe the most meaningful truth from Four Truths About Sports and Exercise is that people often do physical activities without ever asking why or understanding the purpose. There are athletes that are up before the sun to do what they love most, without understanding why. There is a deeper level of athletics that many will never understand. It is common to overlook the subjective experiences and just put our heads down to grind. We need to be asking ourselves what thoughts and feelings the activity generates.
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