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Luke Lance:
Status: Superhero
Age: 13
Power: Immortality, healing factor
Hero name: Dauntless

How his powers work: He can’t die, no matter how he’s killed or how many times. There are only two limitations to his power: he needs to actually die before he can come back to life (no instant healing or regeneration), and sometimes it takes a bit of time - Anywhere from a few hours to a day or so.

Gained power: Experiment, like the other powered people.

Luke cannot age or die by any means. He's got a healing factor, but, his regeneration doesn't kick in until he dies.

Luke's dad works for the corporation that tested on Luke, thus, making him immortal.

Personality traits: Ambitious, kind, demanding, confused, confident, lonely and silly.

Looks: He's pretty young looking, he has messy brown hair, and brown eyes, and wears jackets with t-shirts and a pair of dark jeans.

Jabez Brians:
Status: Villian
Age: 38
Power: Super strength Invulnerabilty
Villian name: Rattlesnake

Gained Power: Expirement, like the other powered people

Jabez, isn't really a villain, he used his powers for a bit of bad, and usually superheroes are arrested, due to most of them escaping Helix.

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Regards; Team

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