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My main strengths are organisation, coping in a team, being just, working under pressure, having confidence, listening when I need to listen and taking in advice and constructive criticism and learning from it. I also enjoy seeing progress. Hard working.

The times I have showed my strengths were in school. Generally all my time at my secondary school I fulfilled as much of the strengths stated above and got through my exams with the best grades i could have achieved. at the beginning it was hard for me due to the targeted grades i was meant to be getting it put me down originally and i did feel quite hopeless for a bit of the time at school. That was because the targeted grades weren't higher than 5 A-C's. After a short while my teachers and my family encouraged me that it if i put a real effort in i can achieve my goals. Studying really hard and trying my best increased my confidence especially when i knew i tried my hardest it gave me a sense of hope. I would make sure i revised in my free time as much as i could and stay behind for revision. I watched videos on the subjects i was lacking in and taught myself a little however it did help out a lot. After a long hard effort it paid off and during the summer holiday i got my results and me and my whole family were pleased and proud.

Another time i have used my strengths is when cooperating with my uncle in investing stocks on a small scale. My uncle is from Israel and invests in small business in Israel. He came to me and my brothers and encouraged us to use some pocket money that we had on something beneficial and something we can make a profit from. he told us how the shares worked on a graph for a small growing bus tour company in Israel and told us that we should decide when we want to invest on our own and that he wouldn't help us in our idea. I ended up investing during the summer which was pricey and at winter i made a loss because i could only sell them for cheap. Learning from my mistakes i realized that in summer the prices are higher for shares and in winter they are cheaper to buy. So i gave my uncle half of my pocket money and told him id like to buy 150 pounds worth of shares during the winter and sell them at summer. The reason is because i realized during winter tourists dont come to Israel often and it is only at summer where tourists come in and people come for holiday more meaning more people will need to use the bus. Understanding this i sold my shares in summer and made 40 pound profit as shares increased.
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Regards; Team

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