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Celeste, in many ways, was a creature of habit.

She rose just as the rays of the sun peaked through her laced black curtains, falling upon her pale face and causing her to slightly open her eyes. She got up, she stretched, and let out an elegant yawn. She lingered in her bedchambers, which were befitting of a woman of her status, and waited a bit before she went through the dull routine of doing her hair and makeup. Her outfit was prechosen for her the day before and although she sometimes lingered whilst wondering which shade of lipstick to choose, she was always on time when her classmates came down for breakfast.

This was on purpose, of course. Although she usually preferred to keep to herself in her own isolation, she needed assistance when it came to making meals. She hated having to dirty her gloves, and they should be thankful for her providing some chore to wake themselves up. Most of them were too lazy nowadays, and it always gave her a good time to play cards.

Today, she was joined by Yamada. She could see some of her classmates lingering about in the background, not seeming curious about the two. It always ended the same way as like many of her dull peers, the mangaka was pitifully predictable in many ways.

His round face always glistened with nervous sweat, beady eyes focused on his cards. He swallowed heavily when he was making a riskier move, looking over at the gambler nervously each time. Her blank expression lingered as she looked over at him, black eyebrow slightly raised. This was only mental stimulation for the beginning of her day, even if it was nothing but a weak spark in the back of her mind.

Even at a more childish game, he was losing. Go Fish was something she learned long ago and had mastered with only one game. She already had five sets of cards, whilst he had zero. Her rotund contemporary only had two- one more then yesterdays. But there'd be no congratulations from her. He was the loser, vanquished by a child's gaze that was barely entertainment for her but was probably burning out what braincells he had left. If he had any beforehand at all.

She paused in her concentration as Naegi walked over, a yawn escaping the short teen as he set her tea down for her. He was one of the few who actually listened to her accurate orders and although it took a few tries beforehand to get it right, she had trained him in the art of making her tea. Yamada slightly narrowed his eyes at the boy, though he barely noticed. How stupid of him to think of him as a rival for something that didn't exist.

Ludenberg reached over for her tea, placing two fingers through the porcelain handle and raising her pinky finger. With her free hand, she put down her final set which made Yamada groan. Per usual, she won. Like any old day.


Iruma Miu wasn't sure the last time she had slept for more than a few short hours.

It was the middle of the day, her curtains completely drawn as the inventor sat at her work bench. Her electric blue eyes were bloodshot, not seeming to care that she wasn't wearing protection for her face as she used her blow torch to weld two pieces of metal together. It lit up her pale face, the bags under her eyes pronounced and platinum blonde hair pulled back in buns. She didn't give a shit that one of her tits was nearly falling out of her oil-stained tank top as she leaned closer to her desk, sticking a tongue out in concentration. Even when running on energy drinks and coffee, she was still a dropdead beauty.

She had a new project- not one that was due for anyone, but one she thought of in class after running late. She had barely got a chance to even put on eyeliner, and it made her think of an idea- a robot, no, an arm, that did your makeup for you. You had to hit it like an alarm as you sat up in bed and it did the work for you instead of having to get your ass out of bed- and you didn't even have to look in the mirror since it'd be so damn good.

God dammit, she was a fucking genius.

The inventor didn't look up at the sound of the door opening, keeping her gaze focused on her project as she worked away. "Iruma-san?"

Bakamatsu, and with her little pet emo just behind her. She could see the look of worry on the pianist's face without even turning around, which was kinda annoying. Just 'cause she dropped off the face of the earth and stopped attending classes for a week didn't mean she was dead or anything- plus, she already did Kiibo's repairs! What the hell did they want?

Letting out a loud sigh, Iruma turned off her welding tool and set it down on her desk. Taking off one of her sweaty gloves, the girl slightly turned back. "What the fuck are you two doing here, virgin and the twink? Can't 'cha see I'm a bit busy or did you go blind upon seeing the brilliance of my sweet ass?"

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