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What are Magic Mushrooms?
The drugs psilocybin or psilocin are found in magic mushrooms, which are also called shrooms or mushrooms. These drugs make people have crazy thoughts. There are also capsules that contain psilocybin powder. You can eat fresh or dried mushrooms. Pleurotus Eryngii for Sale can be inhaled or injected. There are some dangerous mushrooms that look like psilocybin mushrooms. If you eat a poisonous mushroom, you could damage your liver or even die. Growing, selling, or carrying mushrooms is against the law. If you are caught, you might have to pay a fine or even go to jail.

Mushrooms take about 30 minutes to start working, and the effects last about 3 to 6 hours. During the first 3 to 4 hours, the effects are at their peak. Mushrooms can make you see, smell, hear, taste, and feel things differently (e.g., you might think you can see music or hear colours). You might feel like your body is very heavy or very light. You might feel like something magical or spiritual is happening to you. Mushrooms can sometimes have effects that are too much and scary to handle (a bad trip). Try to help someone who is having a bad trip by reassuring them in a calm way.

What do mushrooms do to your body over time?
If you are pregnant, don't use mushrooms. We don't know how mushrooms affect women who are pregnant and their growing babies. Sometimes, other drugs are added to mushrooms that can hurt your baby. Taking mushrooms with other drugs or alcohol may make you more likely to get sick in other ways.

Can I get used to mushrooms or become addicted to them?
After using mushrooms every day for as few as 3 or 4 days, you can build up a tolerance to them. This means that you need more and more of the drug to get the same "high" as the first time. If you eat mushrooms every day for several days, you can build up a complete tolerance.
If you use mushrooms often, your mind can get used to the way they make you feel. Often, drug users have major personal difficulties. Getting high or using drugs can start to matter more to you than your family and friends. Even if you aren't doing well at work or school, you might still use drugs. This can lead to problems with money, religion, and the law. You could lose important people, your job, or even get kicked out of school.

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