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"YEAH!! apparently she stood up to the academics and even beat the shroomie out of some of them, but since she's from an influential family they couldn't just kick her out so she got suspended till the 2nd half of this semester... Sadly all that happened a year ago so we couldn't witness it"
Stood up to the academics? that girl is either crazy powerful- or just crazy...
"Well, I'll- consider it" I replied hesitantly, this talk about that girl got me interested even tho I hate to admit it.
"GREAT!!! I'll see you there!"
"I- said I'll consider it" she already ran off- oh well... When is my next dance practice again?...
- that evening -
She found herself staring at the mirror again- Even tho she said she'll only consider it Nilou found herself getting ready... She herself didn't know why she was paying so much attention to how she looked- she just felt like it was necessary.
If I don't hurry up, I'll be late, she thought to herself while walking towards the school at a fast pace.
- at the school sports hall -
She took her seat next to her friends; they were chatting while waiting for the game to begin and then- the whistle indicating the entrance of the teams went off. She hurriedly looked towards the direction of where their school's team is supposed to enter- And that's when her eyes landed on HER.
She had brown to blond hair, she was tall and totally built like a model, tho it was still fairly obvious that she was strong- the 6-pack said it all- Nilou wanted to take in her features even more, but she was interrupted by the game starting. She wondered if she could talk to her once the game is over-
Their team had won! And by a big difference at that, the rivals couldn't get even close to catching up, according to Collei she had never seen this happened before the return of... well- HER.
She looked down- And the pretty brunette was- LOOKING AT HER?! She couldn't fathom this, maybe she was hallucinating- or at least that's what she thought until the basketball came flying right into her hands?!
"11pm Club _________, winning celebration, bring your friends - Neith ♡"
" OH MY GOD- NILOU YOU DID NOT JUST GET US AN INVITATION TO THAT PARTY?!!?" Collei screamed into her ear when they were outside.
"Why- is it important?" She was confused, she just assumed it was like every other party except- SHE... ehem NEITH invited her to it.
" Important? Only the best of the best get invited to those, yours truly went a couple of times cause I'm friends with N.E. but- " Cyno stated but was interrupted.
"YOU're friends with her?! How?! Why would she be friends with you?!" Collei continued her screeching.
" Excuse me? I will have you know I'm very cool, popular and liked" Cyno said in a jokingly offended tone.
" Hate to ruin the party but we'll be late to the real one if you two continue this nonsense bickering" A sassy voice spoke up amongst the chaotic yelling of his friends, the voice of reason one would say, Tighnari.
" Let them have their fun Nari~ They've been eerily quiet and calm during the game" A blond girl cooed to him, wrapping herself around his arm, Nadine, she's actually an academic herself but she doesn't respect their end justifies the needs all the time concept- "But I do agree that we should hurry- those parties aren't something you want to miss, I can assure you of that but- are we all going to ignore that Neith drew a heart for Nilou?".
" WAIT WHAT?! SHE WHAT?! NILOU ARE YOU SECRETLY DATING?!" Collei was freaking out again....
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