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An Introduction to Book Writing
Some of the most important aspects of writing a book are discussed here. Getting through the entire process is much more difficult and full of details not covered in this article, so readers should keep that in mind.

It takes me at least a year to write a book, and that's if everything goes smoothly. Some writers are much more deliberate than others; they may take two years of extensive travel and research before they can begin writing at all.

Categories of Literature

This is the most crucial part of the overall plan. The question is whether your book will be fiction or nonfiction. There is more than one approach to deciding what kind of nonfiction book to write. What is most desired can be determined by analyzing the market. What one wants to write about can be determined by looking inward. Both paths can lead to a wise decision, but they both take different routes to get there.

In addition, the final product's intended use is an important consideration. For someone who isn't concerned with making a living wage, doing the work for fun frees them to be more influenced by their personal preferences and, perhaps, to take more risks. Risks are sometimes inherent in attempts to earn money.


Depending on how well you know yourself, you can decide whether to pitch your idea to the publishing industry now, once you have an outline, or after you have written the book. Another choice is to gather material for a book proposal and offer that to publishers.

To "pitch an idea" is to present it to influential people in a given field, either in person, over the phone, or via email. This may be the easiest part, but for others it may be more challenging than a trip to the Moon on their own.

everyone's an author 3rd edition and Editing

As soon as you have a rough copy, you can go back and make changes. At about the same time, you can start preparing the book proposals and sending out queries to publishers. If you were successful with your pitch, you now know where to send follow-up questions or your book proposal. If you're extremely fortunate, you may already have a book publishing deal in place. The revised copy of the everyone's an author can be sent to the above address.

After the manuscript has been edited, you can send out queries to potential publishers and gather any additional materials they may require. Include a summary of the market for books like yours, the first three chapters of the manuscript, and a direct sales pitch letter to the publishing company to convince them how great your book is. They usually want to see some sort of bio, but it doesn't have to be long as long as you'd think, just enough to show where your work has been published and how much you were paid, or lack thereof, if that's the problem.


It's possible you'll need to choose a venue for submitting your manuscript. You can submit your work to publishing houses and literary agencies. You can find information about which publishers require literary agent representation and which do not in books like The Writer's Market.

Nowadays, it's not uncommon to send an email to a publisher or agent. Others would rather have it done the traditional way, but there are those who prefer this method. Learn this so that you can send in your application the way they expect it.


Once a submission is made, all that can be done is wait. In most cases, waiting causes a couple to realize they don't want to get married or have sexual relations with one another. They will not take your book on as a client (in the case of a literary agency) or invest in it (in the case of a publisher) or publish it (in the case of the latter).

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