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Northern Caves of Mygeeto:

[Finn Orell, Meelo Kain, Dakota “Dak” Jynn, Jorren Namerly, Atora “Tora” Drayen]

BOOM. The solid, immovable door that had stood before us in the cave, exploded into a million shards of ice and stone. The Mygeetan Whiteworm tore and screeched its way through where the door had been just seconds earlier. We hit the floor, bracing ourselves for yet another relentless attack, but it did not come.

The worm may have fled, but now, now I understood why we avoided this part of the cave tunnels.

As we crossed the threshold, a great darkness and sadness draped over us like a blanket. In the center of the dark room, carved out of the ice, a motionless body clothed in robes identical to those of the Jedi. Silence filled the room as we approached the body, only the sounds of our breathing and the echo of our boots filled the room.

I began to be filled with horror as I started to recognize who was dead before us. Danik Kavin, a young Jedi Padawan, lay dead on his knees, ice building on his pale face. I had helped rescue him with the help of Meelo Kain. It was the first time we met.

“He’s been here,” Meelo Kain’s voice called out, as cold and chilled as the cave we stood in.

“Who’s been here?” Dak replied, unevenly.

“Ralic,” Meelo’s voice trailed off.

“Darth Ralic,” I echoed, “a Sith.”

Meelo and I stood straight-faced, while the rest looked at us with worry.

“Not necessarily a Sith, but a very powerful Dark Side user,” Meelo said. “He is the father of the twins. The ones who are hunting us.”

Meelo’s features began to change, looking graver by the second. The room became even more cold and dark, as if all the light in the world had been put out. A dark presence surged through the room, the presence of Darth Ralic.

A searing, dark vision shot itself into my mind:

[The cave was once again all around me, but something was different. The body was no longer there. Suddenly, the body of Danik Kavin was flung into my vision, parts of his body charred.

“Think of all the power you could have, boy,” an evil low voice, filled with malice, bounced off the walls of the cavern, “become my follower, my apprentice and we can wipe the galaxy of all the ones who would look to destroy us.”

Ralic kept on, “Your journey starts with these Adegan Crystals all around us. They are your fuel. They will help you control and empower your weak abilities.”

“No, I am a Jedi. I do not look to control the Force, but to do its will!” Kavin, said in a low shaky voice.

“Fool. Do you not see the power I have? How about a taste?” Darth Ralic laugh.

Just then, streaks of blue lightning shot from his fingertips, engulfing the Padawan in electricity, frying the rest of his body. He screamed and flailed, but after only 3 seconds fell to the floor. His essence had left him.]

The vision collapsed, and I was back in the cave. I knelt on the cavern floor, sweat dripped from my brow.
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