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CS:GO style scenario where you place 10 c4 bombs and then detonate them. Or the terrorist or counter could kill the other player ten times. The player could leave and come right back to place all the bombs. If terrorist dies, they need to restart.

Star Wars ship battle on a large map (sb_omen)

Admin gun battle

Global Spawner (zombie invasion or half-life 1 vehicles attacking us (we could use our own vehicles to fight back) or anything I have downloaded)

Fight each other with weapons from one specific pack

Fight each other with weapons that we take some time to customize

Maybe race each other through a course while shooting each other. (maybe)

Maybe one of us could be the admin and one of us be a survivor and the admin spawns in npcs to try kill the other player. The survivor could only survive with the weapons given to them by the admin. The admin has a max of 20 npcs to spawn in and if there is a special big npc then give the survivor health and armor before starting and wait for the other npcs to be gone. (I could download more npc packs to make it more interesting).

We could work together to escape a map with combine in it (has to be a large, enclosed area)

Get the wand addon to do some harry potter battles.

HAAX gun battle

Build bases using minecraft swep and do a deathmatch (use flatgrass)

Transform using pill pack and kill each other using that on a large open map.

Maybe race while using sliding ability.

infinity gauntlet battle

Get a map with rings and race with regular planes.

Run from Sanic or fnaf characters (might go good or bad).

what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


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  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

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Regards; Team

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