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They were seated again, with the pleasure of eating well. Bokuto enjoyed his usual soft drink, while Akaashi wholeheartedly enjoyed the cider. So much so, that he enjoyed the entire can. He did consider opening a new one. Akaashi looked over at the rest of the cans, but not uncaught.

"Go ahead! I thought you'd enjoy the cider later too, just nonchalantly. I have a six-pack of it in the fridge," Bokuto referred to the six cans in the fridge. Akaashi did nod at the information, though his mind went to a non-existent place. That place was called instagram and had Bokuto's pictures.

Akaashi did have a lot of questions, despite the silence between them. He figured he preferred to wait until they sat in the living room. It would be more appropriate that way. Bokuto and Akaashi soon had the privilege to feel full and satisfied with it. They both finished their second roll in comfortable silence.

By the time they were done, Akaashi had enjoyed a second can. Meanwhile, Bokuto was immediately starting to clean up. Akaashi did offer his help but was denied kindly. Bokuto's hospitality was unlike anything. It was all it was. Hospitality. Yet, Akaashi's mind was fixated on every action he did nearly effortlessly. He noticed how Bokuto could hum a tune while setting back vegetables in the fridge.

It was something about Bokuto's peaceful behavior while working in his home. Akaashi couldn't put a finger on it, or form any good explanation. Akaashi was fascinated by how easily Bokuto did boring tasks, with a humble expression the entire time. Even Sugawara, his best friend, would look tired while making him something.

Sugawara enjoyed helping Akaashi, of course. Bokuto was a different story. He seemed to reach an arm to assist and assist, despite them knowing each other for a short period. Akaashi couldn't imagine how Bokuto would be as a classmate, co-worker, etc. At the end of the cleaning, Akaashi hadn't gotten Bokuto out of his head.

The pair of friends first washed their hands for any residue their eyes had missed. After the kitchen looked unvisited, Bokuto turned to Akaashi again. His thoughts halted immediately upon looking back at his taller friend. Bokuto nodded toward the living room and asked whether they should move. Akaashi decided to bring half a can of cider, which Bokuto noticed.

Akaashi agreed and followed him out to the comfortable living room. Or so he believed until he realized Bokuto was behind him. His friend thoughtfully brought another can. Akaashi knew he couldn't drink due to driving. Yet another kind gesture, which warmed Akaashi's heart again.

They both took a seat on the comfortable couch. Bokuto insisted to have him use the blanket if he needed to, or have any pillows for extra comfort. Akaashi showed great gratitude for the concern and adjusted his seat to his ultimate comfortable position. He found a spot to stretch out his legs and rest his back against a pillow. Akaashi didn't need a blanket yet but appreciated the thoughtfulness. Bokuto rested his back against the couch itself and was able to face him. They were two seats away from each other, to achieve both of their ideal positions.

The new angle caused Akaashi to look around the room again, and notice new details. He was privileged enough to enjoy the fragrance of the scented candles, but one picture caught Akaashi's attention in particular.

"Is that your daughter?" Akaashi asked more openly than reluctantly. He looked back at Bokuto to read any expression, in case it was too personal.

"That's my daughter," Bokuto confirmed with a fond smile, which infected Akaashi too. He nodded at the response and took a comfortably large sip straight from the can.

"So, you raise her... on your... Sorry, I realized it can be personal," Akaashi regretted asking for small talk. He could've made the air awkward, but Bokuto only laughed and shrugged his shoulders. It was reassuring not to sense any negative emotions from the question.

"On my own? Yeah, I am a single dad," Bokuto replied nonchalantly. He didn't remember whether he had mentioned it to Akaashi or not. He doubted it.

Akaashi nodded in return, feeling the impact of completing one liter of cider. He was nowhere near wasted. The impact just allowed him to speak more freely, which was a two-edged sword. Bokuto, on the other hand, knew what questions could come. Despite Akaashi staying silent, he could read what most people wondered.

"Her mother isn't capable of being one. I've taken care of Yuki since she was born," Bokuto added, which answered Akaashi's unasked questions. Was it obvious that Akaashi was curious? No. Bokuto only assumed so. Whether or not he was interested, it could be a fun fact.

"Hey, are you okay? You seem tired or quiet?" Bokuto asked fairly. His tone wasn't accusing, uncomfortable, or awkward. He asked so genuinely, which caused Akaashi to raise his eyes at the voice. Akaashi only looked at him as nonchalantly as he could.

"Promise not to laugh again?" Akaashi looked down at his lap.

Bokuto instantly bit the insides of his cheeks and immediately recognized that look. Akaashi was tipsy. It could explain more of his silence during dinner. However, Akaashi had been quiet prior to the meal. Bokuto couldn't delve into it now, and his friend wasn't obligated to explain himself.

All he could do was ask, and it was Akaashi's decision, to be honest, or not. Bokuto glanced at him with much empathy and humor. Akaashi looked down in embarrassment, or so Bokuto thought.

Eye contact suddenly wasn't as easy for Akaashi. He wasn't scared or nervous to look Bokuto in the eyes. His thoughts would just remind him how pretty they were. Which was highly inappropriate, in Akaashi's mind. His tipsiness must have been to blame. Or Sugawara. Both of them.

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