Notes - |
CoreData: error: addPersistentStoreWithType:configuration:URL:options:error: returned error NSCocoaErrorDomain (134140)
CoreData: annotation: userInfo:
CoreData: annotation: destinationModel : (<NSManagedObjectModel: 0x6000037eed00>) isEditable 0, entities {
Entity = "(<NSEntityDescription: 0x6000023a0a50>) name Entity, managedObjectClassName Entity, renamingIdentifier Entity, isAbstract 0, superentity name (null), properties {n artist = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85280>), name artist, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier artist, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n id = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85680>), name id, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier id, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1100 , attributeValueClassName NSUUID, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n image = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85b00>), name image, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier image, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1000 , attributeValueClassName NSData, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n name = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a86200>), name name, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier name, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n year = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85e00>), name year, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier year, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 200 , attributeValueClassName NSNumber, defaultValue 0, preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n}, subentities {n}, userInfo {n}, versionHashModifier (null), uniquenessConstraints (n)";
}, fetch request templates {
CoreData: annotation: sourceModel : (<NSManagedObjectModel: 0x6000037ab2f0>) isEditable 0, entities {
Entity = "(<NSEntityDescription: 0x6000023a9ce0>) name Entity, managedObjectClassName Entity, renamingIdentifier Entity, isAbstract 0, superentity name (null), properties {n artist = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a83880>), name artist, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier artist, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n id = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003aa3900>), name id, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier id, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1100 , attributeValueClassName NSUUID, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n image = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003aa2180>), name image, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier image, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1000 , attributeValueClassName NSData, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n name = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a83a80>), name name, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier name, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n year = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003aa2700>), name year, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier year, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n}, subentities {n}, userInfo {n}, versionHashModifier (null), uniquenessConstraints (n)";
}, fetch request templates {
CoreData: annotation: reason : Can't find mapping model for migration
CoreData: annotation: storeType: SQLite
CoreData: annotation: configuration: (null)
CoreData: annotation: URL: file:///Users/Emir/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/7E35D9D5-B1F7-4A7B-B2D5-D237818C4452/data/Containers/Data/Application/88D5FC40-67B5-404C-AB78-9E707E84C678/Library/Application%20Support/ArtBookProject.sqlite
CoreData: annotation: options:
CoreData: annotation: NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption : 1
CoreData: annotation: NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption : 1
CoreData: annotation: <NSPersistentStoreCoordinator: 0x600003ff0460>: Attempting recovery from error encountered during addPersistentStore: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134140 "Persistent store migration failed, missing mapping model." UserInfo={destinationModel=(<NSManagedObjectModel: 0x6000037eed00>) isEditable 0, entities {
Entity = "(<NSEntityDescription: 0x6000023a0a50>) name Entity, managedObjectClassName Entity, renamingIdentifier Entity, isAbstract 0, superentity name (null), properties {n artist = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85280>), name artist, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier artist, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n id = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85680>), name id, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier id, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1100 , attributeValueClassName NSUUID, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n image = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85b00>), name image, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier image, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1000 , attributeValueClassName NSData, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n name = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a86200>), name name, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier name, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n year = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85e00>), name year, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier year, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 200 , attributeValueClassName NSNumber, defaultValue 0, preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n}, subentities {n}, userInfo {n}, versionHashModifier (null), uniquenessConstraints (n)";
}, fetch request templates {
}, sourceModel=(<NSManagedObjectModel: 0x6000037ab2f0>) isEditable 0, entities {
Entity = "(<NSEntityDescription: 0x6000023a9ce0>) name Entity, managedObjectClassName Entity, renamingIdentifier Entity, isAbstract 0, superentity name (null), properties {n artist = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a83880>), name artist, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier artist, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n id = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003aa3900>), name id, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier id, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1100 , attributeValueClassName NSUUID, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n image = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003aa2180>), name image, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier image, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1000 , attributeValueClassName NSData, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n name = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a83a80>), name name, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier name, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n year = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003aa2700>), name year, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier year, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n}, subentities {n}, userInfo {n}, versionHashModifier (null), uniquenessConstraints (n)";
}, fetch request templates {
}, reason=Can't find mapping model for migration}
ArtBookProject/AppDelegate.swift:58: Fatal error: Unresolved error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134140 "Persistent store migration failed, missing mapping model." UserInfo={destinationModel=(<NSManagedObjectModel: 0x6000037eed00>) isEditable 0, entities {
Entity = "(<NSEntityDescription: 0x6000023a0a50>) name Entity, managedObjectClassName Entity, renamingIdentifier Entity, isAbstract 0, superentity name (null), properties {n artist = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85280>), name artist, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier artist, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n id = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85680>), name id, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier id, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1100 , attributeValueClassName NSUUID, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n image = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85b00>), name image, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier image, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1000 , attributeValueClassName NSData, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n name = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a86200>), name name, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier name, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n year = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85e00>), name year, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier year, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 200 , attributeValueClassName NSNumber, defaultValue 0, preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n}, subentities {n}, userInfo {n}, versionHashModifier (null), uniquenessConstraints (n)";
}, fetch request templates {
}, sourceModel=(<NSManagedObjectModel: 0x6000037ab2f0>) isEditable 0, entities {
Entity = "(<NSEntityDescription: 0x6000023a9ce0>) name Entity, managedObjectClassName Entity, renamingIdentifier Entity, isAbstract 0, superentity name (null), properties {n artist = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a83880>), name artist, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier artist, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n id = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003aa3900>), name id, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier id, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1100 , attributeValueClassName NSUUID, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n image = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003aa2180>), name image, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier image, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1000 , attributeValueClassName NSData, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n name = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a83a80>), name name, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier name, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n year = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003aa2700>), name year, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier year, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n}, subentities {n}, userInfo {n}, versionHashModifier (null), uniquenessConstraints (n)";
}, fetch request templates {
}, reason=Can't find mapping model for migration}, ["sourceModel": (<NSManagedObjectModel: 0x6000037ab2f0>) isEditable 0, entities {
Entity = "(<NSEntityDescription: 0x6000023a9ce0>) name Entity, managedObjectClassName Entity, renamingIdentifier Entity, isAbstract 0, superentity name (null), properties {n artist = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a83880>), name artist, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier artist, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n id = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003aa3900>), name id, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier id, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1100 , attributeValueClassName NSUUID, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n image = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003aa2180>), name image, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier image, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1000 , attributeValueClassName NSData, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n name = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a83a80>), name name, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier name, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n year = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003aa2700>), name year, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier year, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n}, subentities {n}, userInfo {n}, versionHashModifier (null), uniquenessConstraints (n)";
}, fetch request templates {
}, "destinationModel": (<NSManagedObjectModel: 0x6000037eed00>) isEditable 0, entities {
Entity = "(<NSEntityDescription: 0x6000023a0a50>) name Entity, managedObjectClassName Entity, renamingIdentifier Entity, isAbstract 0, superentity name (null), properties {n artist = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85280>), name artist, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier artist, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n id = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85680>), name id, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier id, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1100 , attributeValueClassName NSUUID, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n image = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85b00>), name image, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier image, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1000 , attributeValueClassName NSData, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n name = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a86200>), name name, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier name, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n year = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85e00>), name year, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier year, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 200 , attributeValueClassName NSNumber, defaultValue 0, preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n}, subentities {n}, userInfo {n}, versionHashModifier (null), uniquenessConstraints (n)";
}, fetch request templates {
}, "reason": Can't find mapping model for migration]
2022-07-25 16:16:53.042670+0300 ArtBookProject[2634:69492] ArtBookProject/AppDelegate.swift:58: Fatal error: Unresolved error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=134140 "Persistent store migration failed, missing mapping model." UserInfo={destinationModel=(<NSManagedObjectModel: 0x6000037eed00>) isEditable 0, entities {
Entity = "(<NSEntityDescription: 0x6000023a0a50>) name Entity, managedObjectClassName Entity, renamingIdentifier Entity, isAbstract 0, superentity name (null), properties {n artist = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85280>), name artist, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier artist, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n id = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85680>), name id, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier id, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1100 , attributeValueClassName NSUUID, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n image = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85b00>), name image, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier image, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1000 , attributeValueClassName NSData, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n name = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a86200>), name name, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier name, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n year = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85e00>), name year, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier year, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 200 , attributeValueClassName NSNumber, defaultValue 0, preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n}, subentities {n}, userInfo {n}, versionHashModifier (null), uniquenessConstraints (n)";
}, fetch request templates {
}, sourceModel=(<NSManagedObjectModel: 0x6000037ab2f0>) isEditable 0, entities {
Entity = "(<NSEntityDescription: 0x6000023a9ce0>) name Entity, managedObjectClassName Entity, renamingIdentifier Entity, isAbstract 0, superentity name (null), properties {n artist = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a83880>), name artist, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier artist, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n id = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003aa3900>), name id, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier id, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1100 , attributeValueClassName NSUUID, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n image = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003aa2180>), name image, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier image, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1000 , attributeValueClassName NSData, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n name = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a83a80>), name name, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier name, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n year = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003aa2700>), name year, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier year, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n}, subentities {n}, userInfo {n}, versionHashModifier (null), uniquenessConstraints (n)";
}, fetch request templates {
}, reason=Can't find mapping model for migration}, ["sourceModel": (<NSManagedObjectModel: 0x6000037ab2f0>) isEditable 0, entities {
Entity = "(<NSEntityDescription: 0x6000023a9ce0>) name Entity, managedObjectClassName Entity, renamingIdentifier Entity, isAbstract 0, superentity name (null), properties {n artist = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a83880>), name artist, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier artist, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n id = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003aa3900>), name id, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier id, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1100 , attributeValueClassName NSUUID, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n image = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003aa2180>), name image, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier image, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1000 , attributeValueClassName NSData, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n name = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a83a80>), name name, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier name, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n year = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003aa2700>), name year, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier year, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n}, subentities {n}, userInfo {n}, versionHashModifier (null), uniquenessConstraints (n)";
}, fetch request templates {
}, "destinationModel": (<NSManagedObjectModel: 0x6000037eed00>) isEditable 0, entities {
Entity = "(<NSEntityDescription: 0x6000023a0a50>) name Entity, managedObjectClassName Entity, renamingIdentifier Entity, isAbstract 0, superentity name (null), properties {n artist = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85280>), name artist, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier artist, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n id = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85680>), name id, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier id, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1100 , attributeValueClassName NSUUID, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n image = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85b00>), name image, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier image, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 1000 , attributeValueClassName NSData, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n name = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a86200>), name name, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier name, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 700 , attributeValueClassName NSString, defaultValue (null), preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n year = "(<NSAttributeDescription: 0x600003a85e00>), name year, isOptional 1, isTransient 0, entity Entity, renamingIdentifier year, validation predicates (\n), warnings (\n), versionHashModifier (null)\n userInfo {\n}, attributeType 200 , attributeValueClassName NSNumber, defaultValue 0, preservesValueInHistoryOnDeletion NO, allowsCloudEncryption NO";n}, subentities {n}, userInfo {n}, versionHashModifier (null), uniquenessConstraints (n)";
}, fetch request templates {
}, "reason": Can't find mapping model for migration]
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