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South Carolina Confederate Flag Paper
This Flag was Adopted by William T Out of all three this is the 3rd of america . It was adopted in 1865 and was there until 2015. The flag was disliked by many people and they did not like the symbol it was representing. Over the years they started adding more stars and it ended up with 13. The flag meant white people are here and black people cannot. It was the cause of superior race and has marked many deaths after a while more people started to criticized it saying it was to white. The flag was sending bad messages all through south carolina. Also people in the military also had problems this flag was racial and people didt like it even whites. Through all of the hate people actually liked it while William T stated that people should distinguish the flag and he will add more elements to make it look like the U.S flag. Years later it was not as big as the first while the first flag was still up they made another one called the Yankee which was made by George William Bagby.
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