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- HSR gives more poor people mobility
- In the status

You have to play according to the most likely implementation. If America is

if on neg:
Planes travel at around 480 or so miles per hour, and HSR is only the half the speed.

If you have HSR, you don't need a highway, but if you don't have HSR, you need a highway. Both sides will use eminent domain. The highway is a worse option because of noise and

"one of the reasons there isn't much numerical impacts is because people don't have
Racism isn't about people's feelings

link in to arguments about the economy
"racism is not as bad because of the dehumanization it causes but also the effects it causes."
Javier Rodriguez research
if african americans voted in the same way as white people there would be millions of deaths
the reason why African Americans don't vote is because massive incarceration
Arguments of how there are intervening actors of how to solve the climate crisis. Uniquness claims of how a lot of the problems the pos claims that are solved

talk about how Racism outweighs on magnitude
intergenerational, compounds over time and intensifies
June of 2020 racism- George Floyd and other BLM movements/riot stuff

1. improve word economy, especially in final focus (kept on repeating arguments) debating
best format is voter syle for FF
"There are 2 ways we win this debate.
extend argument, uniquness, link, impact, their argument and stuff

second voter

Don't need to think of which cards to extend, just think uniquness link impact

FF benefit from oganization and where you start is important. Won't win on framework debate by frontlining their framing. Start with thier argument. Talk about how drought does a lot of things. Drought outweighs on magnitude because food is a foundation recourse. Food is a foundational recourse. Food deserts are
Best way to engage in neg arguments it to talk about the ways it makes racism worse.
a lot of the worse things that happen in our society are magnified to ppl in color
such as in covid, unemployment went up for more
when scarce recourses, ultimatley people of color are left out

best think to do in arguments like this is to talk about how it goes on both ways

often times debaters ignore the substance of your topic if you let them, and just extend

racism is cyclical
gentrification is not only a function of racism but also poverty.
especially with social justice arguments, slowing down and telling a story is really really good

Use transcription drill to fix word economy. The best!
2nd drill: shorten the time of the speech
diversify warranting

Final focus:
Link in argument
systemic racism affects everything
plan on giving lay final focus, even in flow rounds explain the argument and tell a story
implicate american agricutlrue globally, as seen in uqrain, shortages in one place affects everyone

engage deeply in conceptialization with privlage. We impact gobally, we don't only go in the US, but also

china evidence, don't know what a log reduction. There has to be evidence that has an actual stat
just make it sound better
send the case

framework debate:
- biggest issue because scope isnt' the best weigh agaisnt structural violence, because every team doesn't outweigh on scope
things like outweighing on magnitude
continue to say 'you don't know what their impact is'

more explicit
gentifrication: could make a good utill argument
utilletarism is better than structural violence framework (prewritten)
- talk about all the different types of structural violence
The more you tell a story, the more lay judges will believe you. Describe it and depict it on an indivdual level. Try to claim they can outweigh that someone just because they outweigh on color, is wrong, and thats why we outweigh on magnitude

- happening at a federal level
- talk about redlining (look it up)
segrigation didn't end after civil rights , because banks woulnd't give people morgages to people of color, so it was impossible to own a home to people with color. 90 something percent went to white people who could
places that are redlined are the poorest in the stat

- work on racism case, Gavin accepted to gmail arguments after research so make sure to follow up on that
He also said I could gmail racism argument when I was done with it for checking over, so do that
gmail the two girls
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