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Important Tips For Bee Hive Sizes
A bee hive serves as the habitat for bees. It is the place where bees establish their colonies, have their children, and produce honey and wax. It serves as their shelter to ensure their security and safety. It is an enclosed structure that is made up of of hexagonal cells made from beeswax. Also, there are man-made versions of beehives that are often found in apiaries. These beehives that are artificial, constructed for bee enthusiast can be used for honey production as well as pollination of nearby plants. They are used to transport bees to forage into other zones.
To understand the sizes of bee hives they must first be familiar with the traits and dimensions of the parts in the beehive. A bee hive made of artificial materials is made up of a hive stand, the bottom board, the body of the hive, queen excluder, supers for honey, and the inner and outer cover.
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Hive stands are generally made from pallets, and any 4"x4"s. They must offer an adequate amount of stability for your hive. The bottom boards are for the entrance to the hive at one end after the body of the hive is put on top. It serves as the base for the hive. The hive body or the brood nest forms the initial layer of the hive. Three sizes of boxes are available within the beehives chambers: the deep one, the medium and shallow depth. These are known as supers. The hive bodies and the supers should be a tad deeper to create what's called "bee space" where bees can fill up with glue and beeswax.
Honey supers are places where honey is stored. Any size is possible but shallow depth is most commonly used. A few use the larger size six 1/4 " super. Each super is comprised of about 10 frames, all of which have wax foundations for bees to create their comb.
Queen excluders are optional. It is placed between supers to restrict the queen's movements.The inner cover is used as a buffer while taking off the outer cover to perform work on the hive. The outer cover forms the hive's top.
Western honeybees from the west are the most frequently used bee species in beekeeping. They prefer nest cavities around 45 litres. Most nests feature only one entrance. Western honey bees display preferred nest sites, having nest height from the ground between 3.3 feet and 16 feet and generally with an entrance that faces downwards. The distance of the nest sites to the parent colony must be over 980 feet.

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