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Logan led the months-long review of all 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County. The Arizona Senate hired Cyber Ninjas to lead a hand recount of all 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County last year. A controversial engineer tied to election conspiracies opened the Arizona Senate’s audit hearing Friday by raising questions about a series of “anomalies” found in Maricopa County mail-in ballots. Among those are questions about mail-in ballots from voters who moved in and out of the state prior to registration deadlines and allegations that more ballots were returned than went out. Shiva Ayyadurai, or "Dr. Shiva" as he is known to far-right adherents, said his review of ballots found thousands of ballot envelopes with missing signatures, scribbles and even some duplicates that might have been counted in the county’s 2020 election. The county did not provide data to Shiva for his review. Shiva stopped short of accusing the county of wrongdoing, and even said at one point, “I don’t want to accuse that.” He also noted that “there could be an explanation of this” in regard to at least one anomaly. Mail-in votes from voters who moved within Maricopa County prior to the registration deadline. Shiva, who said he has four degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said his company, EchoMail Inc., reviewed 1.9 million mail-in ballots “for signature presence detection.” He outlined 11 so-called anomalies that he said deserve further review and suggested the Senate undertake an even broader audit.
Mail-in votes from voters who moved out of Arizona prior to registration deadline. On Thursday, the Pelicans used it to select Dyson Daniels, a 19-year-old Australian guard who spent last season with the G League Ignite. Made the last three Travelers cuts, posting a T-19 last year. AJ Griffin is entering the NBA with the chiseled frame of a veteran, and a shooting resume that borders on historically great: he hasn’t shot less than 40% from three in years, which is especially incredible considering even good shooters in high school regularly sit in the low 30s. He spent most of the year at Duke shooting around 50% from three despite taking a wide variety of tough threes, and despite other teams knowing Coach K was going to solely deploy him as a 3-point shooter. Then they felt magnanimous and decided to put the angel on a raft with fresh water and provisions for three days and leave him to his fate on the high seas.

Ayyadurai gained prominence in the early days of the pandemic for spreading misinformation about COVID-19 and vaccines. The Arizona Senate signed a $50,000 contract with Ayyadurai on Aug. 27 to review signatures on the envelopes on early ballots sent to the county. In a YouTube video that racked up more than 6 million views in 2020, Ayyadurai accused Fauci of being a "deep state" operative and falsely claimed vitamin C could be used to treat COVID -19. Logan outlined several areas where he thinks the state and counties can better secure their election data. In a new study this week, Brookings calculated that the counties Biden has won so far account for fully 70 percent of America’s total economic output, with Trump reduced to just 29 percent. Former President Donald Trump lost votes and Biden gained votes in the hand count results, widening Biden’s victory. The company concluded that President Joe Biden won the election and former President Donald Trump lost by nearly the same margins the county reported before the audit began. Doug Logan, CEO of Florida-based cybersecurity firm Cyber Ninjas, confirmed in the beginning of his presentation that President Joe Biden won in Maricopa County in the company’s hand recount of votes.

President Biden announced incentives and mandates for vaccinations. Leslie is Senior Vice President and Senior Specialist of American Furniture and Decorative Arts at Sotheby's in New York. 카지노사이트 Also keep in mind that manufacturers of pre-20th century furniture never used plywood or particle board. Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers, R-Flagstaff, was a founding member of the group and traveled to Virginia last month to push for an Arizona-style audit there. He started by explaining there is more to come from Cyber Ninjas, even after Friday. In the draft report that was leaked to the media on Thursday, Cyber Ninjas did not say that they found any internet connections based on their examination of voting machines and the network information it already had access to. Before the first audit report was presented, state Senate President Karen Fann, R-Prescott, sent Attorney General Attorney Mark Brnovich a letter outlining five "urgent issues" that she had identified from the contractors' work. Brnovich said the office’s Election Integrity Unit will “thoroughly review the Senate’s information and evidence,” adding that he could not comment on specific allegations. Arizonans deserve to have their votes accurately counted and protected,” Brnovich said in a written statement. The county received and might have counted duplicate ballots.
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