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What should be the correct sequence of the following while handling a chat ? = ECADBF
Gold customer complaints of wrong order received. Should we ask for an image ? = Yes, ask for an image mentioning that image is needed for feedback purpose.
Incase of a customer induced cancellation, which of the following tag needs to applied while waiving off cancellation charges for any karma ?= One Time Exception
When to escalate to User Block ?=Sharing obscene images
After initiating Leave Order Flow on the App ,delivery partner needs to upload a picture of _________ and __________ = Location and Food parcel confirming delivery
Sometimes when we call the chain restaurants , their IVRs ask for customer details. Which tag should be applied to such chats?=IVR (customer's number required)
Delivery partner would not be held responsible for FND in case they have rightly called the customer multiple times, waited and raised to delivery partner support And no compensation would be provided to the customer. = True
Customer reports on chat that the restaurant partner informed them that few items in the order are out of stock and is asking for cancellation of the order. What should the agent do. Arrange the steps in chronological order? = CBAD
Customer is complaining that the delivery partner who came to deliver his order is not vaccinated. What should be the appropriate course of action ?=Escalate to SOS
Replacement of meal is not applicable in which all scenarios? = Apart from this option "Verified wrong order concern" all other needs to be selected
A customer wants to cancel his order, as he feels he ordered a wrong item. (Karma - Gold, OV - 400 ) Can we waive off the cancellation charges in this case ?=Yes
_____________ would help the agent to quickly scroll up and identify context of the chat in case of reassignments.=New Session started separator
Why is it important to escalate any kind of threat to customer to SOS?=Both
Gold customer is extremely upset about wrong order being delivered(received veg steam momos instead of tandoori momos). The customer wants to share feedback and ensure this is taken seriously. What should we do? (customer has denied refund)=Sincerely apologize for the poor experience. Accept the feedback and assure the customer that this will be taken seriously and we would ensure they would not have to come across unpleasant experience in future.
What leads to a good quality chat. (Select all relevant options) = Apart "Arguing with the customer on why refund cannot be given", "Getting worried about AHT and quickly resolving the chat"
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