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Exercise and Massage for Sports
There have been numerous studies that have examined the effects of massage therapy for athletes. The majority of these studies have produced contradictory results. One study that compared professional athletes to control subjects found that there were no differences in the amount of muscle soreness. Another study that compared professional athletes with controls showed a significant improvement in the pain of muscles for athletes who had massage. However there was no significant improvement in the condition of athletes who did not receive massage. Similar results were seen in another study , which compared active athletes to non-athletes.

Although there aren't any conclusive studies proving that sports massage can improve athletic performance However, numerous studies have proven that it can help athletes recover faster. In one study, scientists discovered that sports massage reduced the recovery time of athletes participating in a vigorous exercise program. Another study showed that athletes who were subject to an exercise program that was designed to be maximally demanding did significantly better than those who received Sports massage. In a separate study, the therapists who used sports massage demonstrated a significant improvement in physical performance in overweight female adolescents.

A study that compared the production of lactic acid in both groups found no difference. Researchers concluded that the effects of massage depend on the individual being given to. Researchers found that lactic acid were produced at a higher amount in the group that was not being massaged than in the exercise group, and were fairly low after the massage. However the injured group had higher lactic acid production and it remained higher following the session. This could be due in part to the higher lactic acid production in injured patients may decrease the patient's pain threshold and lead to a greater perception of exercise exertion.

There are many theories about how sport massage could improve athletic performance. Scientists have speculated that a full stretch of the muscles deep in the legs is the reason for faster recovery from injuries. 출장안마 This theory also suggests that athletes may benefit from strengthening their shoulders and arms by stretching the superficial muscles. Another theory is that athletes who participate in intense sports like competition could be able to recover faster if their lower muscles are tighter and shorter. A strong core of abdominal muscles can prevent cramps and spasms in athletes who engage in strenuous exercise.

Massage therapy for athletes can help increase their flexibility and muscle strength. Stretching muscles can help them become more flexible and more open to training and movement. When athletes exercise their muscles tighten and limit their movement. To alleviate this pain in the muscles the athletes must engage in exercises to loosen up muscles that are tight. Massage therapy for sports can help with this.

Studies have demonstrated that athletes feel an rise in cortisol levels while exercising or performing high intensity. This stress hormone is a signal for physical stress. The research has also shown that the increased release of cortisol leads to greater muscular strength and endurance during periods of exercise that are low intensity. In the study the endurance performance was measured prior to and following athletes' 30 sprints. The sprints were timed to determine the amount of muscle twitch activity. Results showed an increase of muscle strength following sprints.

The strength increase in muscles was due to the increase in amount of glycogen present in the muscles. Glycogen is an important source of energy in muscles following intense workouts. When the body of the athlete experiences a period of intense physical exertion, it releases large amounts of glycogen in order to replenish energy lost during sprints. A study by researchers from the University of Northumbria in the UK showed that performing short sprints prior to an event of competitive cycling produced a significant increase in the amount of muscle glycogen.

The findings of these studies indicate that sports massage may indeed be beneficial to athletes both when they are exercising and after it. However, it is important to keep in mind that these studies were conducted on healthy non-athletes. If you suffer from any condition that affect circulation , such as diabetes, kidney disease, or high blood pressure, it's best to consult your physician prior to beginning any treatment.

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