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classic india- lion symbolized pride & courage
demonstrated pride & courage when they sought freedom from british colonial rule. 4 lions, 4 traits- power, courage, pride & confidence.mauryan empire was a monarchy ruled by the mauryan dynasty, had complex political structures that were funded through taxes on trade, land, and herds of animals. the reign of king ashoka the great was the end of the mauryan empire, grandson of chandragupta .effect of the conquest of kalinga on ashoka- his victory convinced him to abandon violence in the future nirvana describes the stillness and peace of mind that is acquired when you rid yourself of desires or longings. ashoka shared his thoughts throughout the mauryan empire, built many templkes and shrines to show devotion to the religion, sent messengers to kingdoms around the world including egypt greece and burma, described ashokas new beliefs and encouraged others to follow. after ashokas death the mauryan empire lost power and conrol of the indian subcontinent after 50 years of death, the empire had fully disappeared. it was later divided into a number of smaller regional kingdoms. eventually started the gupta empire. 4 castes systems listed in the manusmriti are the brahmin, kshatriya, vaisya, and sudra. india was at the center of many trade routes, trade brought wealth- exchange of goods, ideas & inventions, encouraged the exchange o cultural influences such as religious ideas and forms of gov't. similarities between china, india & roman empire; agricultural economies, complex but well-organized gov'ts, extensive trade allowing of goods and ideas
social orders divided into classes, highly developed ultures leading to advances in arts, sciences, communication, and technology
differences- leaders w. different value systems: hindu priests and brahmins in india, confucian scholars and bureaucrats in china, aristocrats in the roman empire. differing opportunities for social mobility: very limited by the caste system in india, available through education in china, available through wealth in the roman empire. extremely different religions and differing views about the importance of religion in society, greater freedom and opportuinity for women in roman civilization than in china or india
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