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Avatar: The Rise Of Geo

|{ BOOK 1: EARTH. }/|

Water, Earth. Fire and Air. 4 elements lived in harmony till the firelord, Azulon got hungry for power, wiping out the air nation and his son took over. Trying endless attempts to destroy the Avatar, that all ended over 100 years ago during Avatar Aangs lifetime, then Avatar Korra took over, she was a amazing avatar. She was strong. But then one day, she risked her life to save Ba sing se and then passed away. Then a new Avatar was born into the Earth Kingdom...

I always hated the idea of being the Avatar, it just didn't feel right.. when I was 5, I was told that I was the Avatar. The only element I am somewhat okay at is air. Being a earth bender that is, everyone was quite shocked that I learnt the element of air so quickly. I'm not even that skilled at my own element, which is earth. I mean I can sandbend, thats a start. Rue would wlak over to Geo, '' Mornin' Avatar! '' She'd giggle after saying that, sitting down next to Geo. '' Rue! I told you to just call me Geo. You don't have to use 'Avatar' '' He'd look at her, rolling his eyes. '' Oh really now? Am I not allowed to greet the avatar with respect? '' She'd look at him, giggling at his facial expression. '' Well, you know I don't like being called 'Avatar' so just say Geo. '' '' Alrighty Geo, anyway's how you doing? '' She asked. '' I'm okay. Not the best, not the worst. '' '' What's up then? '' '' Why did I have to be born as the avatar? I just hate it, I wanna live a normal life without being surrounded by white lotus members all day, everyday! I can't even chill by myself in peace. '' He'd stand up, throwing a rock into the water in front of him. '' Sucks for you I guess, but you can't control whether your the avatar or not, that's not how life works. You should just accept who you are, the Avatar! you have the ability to master all 4 elements. Damn I wish I could do that! '' '' Well, that's you. Not me. ''
Aella would be feeding the bison's as she was told to, her mother tapping her on the shoulder. '' Eek mom! You scared me! '' Jinora would laugh a little at her daughter, '' Did you finish with the bisons? I need to have a word with you if that's alright. '' She said, with a harsh tone and a stern face. '' Oh, sure Mom. Did I do something wrong? '' ''No, of course not! '' Jinora would smile at her, walking away. Aella couldn't help but think about what made her mother so angry. Aella would walk into her mothers room, she saw her mother and father. Kai would look at her, '' Hey Ael. We just wanted to have a conversation with you as your mother probably told you. '' '' Yeah, but what is it about? '' '' Well, '' Jinora would start. '' There has been some well you know corrupt white lotus members going around. They are trying to capture the Avatar. '' Aella would think to herself, the avatar?! She didn't think Avatar Korra would be reborn so quickly. '' But, it's only been 15 years since well Korra's passing. How's the avatar returned so quickly?! '' Aella would ask, shocked. '' Well, back on topic. We want you the air benders to help us support the avatar. As they will be coming here to continue further on air bending training. '' '' Does the Avatar even know Earth bending? '' Aella would ask, assuming the avatar would be a earth bender. '' We have no idea, but we want them to know Air bending as air may be the easiest element as it is all around us. We would like you to help me and your father, train the avatar. '' Aella would look up, '' ME training the Avatar?! WOW! WHAT A DREAM COME TRUE!! '' Aella would smile, she was really excited. '' We'll have to get by those corrupt white lotus members first. '' Aella would look at her, '' On it! ''
Brent would grin, sliding his hand into someones pocket, pulling out a wallet. He'd smile, walking away with it. He would count the money inside of it. He'd look up suddenly, seeing metal bending police jumping down. '' Stop right there sir! We have had multiple reports of you stealing items. Using metal and earth bending to do it. '' Brent would look at them, '' Huh? Me? I would never! '' '' Oh really? Then explain this. '' There would be a pictures in his hand with brent stealing items. '' Now, if you'll just go nicely MAYBE we'll go easy on you. '' Brent would look at them, '' You'll have to catch me first! '' He'd start running, avoiding people, sliding under carts. He'd earth bend himself onto a building, hoping he was safe. He wasn't. He felt chains wrap around his arms and legs. He would try bend them but they were made of something even he couldn't bend. The metal bending police would jump down. '' That'll be a lot of years in prison. '' Brent would sigh. He better get used to the prison life then. Brent would be sat at a table, chained to it by his wrists. Aella would walk in. '' Brent you idiot! getting arrested again?! I'm busy you know! '' '' Hey, not my fault they caught me! '' Aella would glare at him, '' It kinda is dummy! I'm meant to be training the Avatar tomorrow and I got to deal with you! I payed for you to get out, so come on! '' Brent would scoff. '' You training the avatar? Damn what has this fucking world come to! '' '' Oh shut it Brent. '' Brent would laugh, he liked teasing Aella. Mostly cause Aella is easy to tease.
Aella and Brent would walk over, Adair would run up to them. '' Brent, Aella!! '' Adair would squeeze them in a hug. '' wow, calm down Adair!- '' Brent would gasp for breath, Adair would let go. '' It's been a while Adair, thanks for being here! '' '' You're welcome, did Brent get arrested again? '' ''Oh come on, i've only been arrested ONCE! '' '' Don't lie Brent. '' '' Oh shut your mouth Aella! '' Brent would cross his arms.
Brylie would grab her bag, walking out of her apartment. She saw lot's of benders, she wasn't a bender herself but she enjoyed watching Pro-bending. Her brother is a famous pro-bender. But he got really injured while playing, now he has to stay at home. She didn't really like how violent it was. Her brother was a earth bender for his pro bending team. Brylie was always better at archery.
Geo would walk inside, seeing his mom and dad. '' Hey honey! '' '' Hey mom. '' '' So, Geo. You'll be going to republic city to further you're air bending training. '' '' Wait.. what?! I can't leave! I have a whole life here! '' '' Well, we it's your duty as the avatar. So go pack up your stuff. '' Geo would sigh, packing up his stuff in his room. Rue would walk in. '' Hey, Avata- where are you doing? '' '' I have to go to republic city to train. '' '' But- You can't go! I can come with you! '' '' You don't have to Rue, you have friends here. The thing is I don't, you can't leave. '' Geo would sigh, '' Well I want to go with you! I can try teach you earth bending there! '' '' I mean, alright. You'd have to pack up. ''
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