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EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques and Chiropractic
I have noticed recently that a few of my patients haven't heard about EFT (aka the Emotional Freedom Techniques). Perhaps that they seen the acronym on the side bar of my newsletter but never inquired further. Others are conscious that my lady Alina is only one of a few certified trainers of EFT on earth with Dawson Church, director and EFT Universe, among the three most primary certifying organizations. The rest of you could wonder what EFT and Chiropractic have to do with each other and exactly how could they come to be found in a mutually supportive way. I figured who's concerned time for me to answer that question.
As a chiropractor, I most often turn to my patients' needs concerning how I can help them in cutting pain and increasing their body's function. Chiropractic has always centered on removing nerve interference hence the body can better heal itself. That idea goes entirely back to DD Palmer and chiropractic's inception. Coincidentally, I overheard Alina the other day explaining EFT as a means of removing energy interference in your body that after present, lessen the body's power to heal. Hmmm, how similar is? EFT is additionally known as a psychological version of acupuncture, but without needles. It is wonderful as being a self-help technique that could be learned and used on ones own, whereas chiropractic adjustments won't be self-administered.
So one might ask why I would ever make use of a technique that may reduce the need for my services? The simple answer is always that some physical issues I view as primarily mechanical, with an emotional or energetic component intertwined. Other patients present pain from stress, life patterns or behaviors which are primarily caused by past behaviors that will no longer serve them that should be witnessed and turned into something new. EFT is fabulous for achieving that.
To offer you a concept of when I use EFT, here are some examples. Recently a patient arrived while using recent oncoming of migraines, which began just like their husband started having anxiety attacks. Another was experiencing panic and anxiety to the level that this he felt that his head would explode and that he had a potential long airplane trip along with a coinciding concern with flying. Another were only available in with chronic back pain he noted increased when he looked at anger connected with a recent marital separation. The intertwining relationship of physical ailments with emotional stresses are infinite.
Too often patients were told that their symptoms were within their head. This was not really a complimentary diagnosis, and basically meant how the symptoms were psychosomatic, or that the physician figured that this patient was "making all of it up." Psyche (mind) and Soma (physical body) are obviously related, how could they 't be? The moment you have pain, you've got a considered it and then often follows an emotion, which then causes neurotransmitters to be released within the brain which then resulting in hormones released in the bloodstream which then has a physiological affect on things such as heartbeat, hypertension, immune response, etc. So needless to say our shape and psyche journey together.
So, how do remote energy medicine coaching decide when you put on my chiropractic hat when do I slip on my EFT hat? There are no rules, just intuition. Sometimes, I make use of it when what I thought would guidance is not helping sufficiently. Sometimes I feel there's something not being said in fact it is a method for the patient to express something essential that they did not feel was relevant to their presenting complaint. In any of the ways it presents, the use of EFT typically surprises me featuring its ease and its particular effectiveness.
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