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medical studies can be really biased to further cause health health decline for their own profiteering greed. And this is coming from a previous researcher that examined studies, researched it’s authors, and saw the shady-ness behind one sided publications. understanding why jacking off is bad and the harmful effects on the body helps a bit.....the biggest is the guilt most people feel afterwards, and the valuable energy drainage, feeling tired, that we could have used towards something productive, or level up our testosterone. There is a reason why many fighters abstain from releasing leading up to a fight. There are many scientific publications on the bad health effects of releasing to p0rn, specified on the nofap forum threads...and hundreds of years of teachings from bhuddism, Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism/Ayurveda that have in their scriptures about its dangers, deteriorating, and aging effects. Once you realize, then your real eyes start seeing the real lies that have been mass-implemented for further degeneracy and health/spiritual decline. Releasing to virtual p0rn and not a healthy partner IRL... actually over-stimulates neurological dopamine receptors in a way where it leaks a stress response between gut-brain axis, causing loss of control, anxiety for lust, and drug like characteristics. Godspeed to us all.

It weakens the immune system, reduces the amount of androgen receptors, causes stress on the body (As the body must replenish what has been lost from ejaculation, a process which uses more than double the resources of which is lost through semen). Prolonged masturbation, over a long period of time hurts the body. It affects the endocrine system which causes hormone inbalances... Undoubtly affects growth muscles are weakend through ejaculation. Overtime, the body will become stressed and both physical and mental health will decline. The sad thing is... these effects are all observable, quite clearly to someone who has been addicted to PMO etc. However, health professionals continue to deny that there are any harmful effects, and some will even encourage we do masturbate. Everything from calcium loss, to loss of sensitivity, to essential vitamins/minerals, and on and on. Often you'll find people can fool themselves in seeking temporary pleasure, cradled in false security from the lies; Professionals like to make claims like "Masturbation is completely harmless and may even reduce your risk of prostate cancer, if you masturbate more than 6 times a week!" And whilst the risk of prostate cancer could be reduced, it's not exactly outweighing the negatives of masturbating that many times in a week. It isn't going to increase the risk of cancer if someone doesn't masturbate either. Traditional Textbook docs state their is so little that is wasted when releasing, but that is far from the well as many vitamins/minerals mankind has yet to discover in semen or within the human body. There is a reason multiple religions and cultures consider semen the life power/life force of a human.

Often you'll find people can fool themselves in seeking temporary pleasure, cradled in false security from the lies; western “Professionals” pushing degeneracy like to make claims like "Masturbation is completely harmless and may even reduce your risk of prostate cancer, if you masturbate more than 6 times a week!" That’s a lie, it actually increases, and it's not exactly outweighing the negatives of masturbating that many times in a week. Traditional Textbook docs state their is so little that is wasted when releasing, but that is far from the well as many vitamins/minerals mankind has yet to discover in semen or within the human body. Zinc and selenium are one of the main building blocks for testosterone, and that is in semen that gets wasted. There is a reason multiple religions and cultures consider semen the life power/life force of a human. There is a different yet positive bodily signal and reaction the body/mind gives off when you have sex with your wife vs fapping

Then one gets hooked on meds or drugs later on for a variety of reasons, putting more money into corrupt medical big Pharma. All in all, fapping is just another drug that has been legalized unfortunately and praised as “normal”’s a dopamine related drug, very hard to break free from, as I too was a victim, but once you realize and see the true power of Deen and your strength with Allah’s SWT’s support, you will never go back. Never give up, and never stop trying to better yourself

And do your best to masculinize yourself, gym, Deen, eating healthy fats, carbs, enough protein (real protein from meat, not protein powder bullshit), etc...and you will literally become a chick magnet without knowing. That and also seek marriage with a girl if possible as well. Talk in halal manners and Islamic etiquettes. many Muslims Brothers who hit 18 or were legal age were able to make a Minder/Salaams or hinge app dating profiles and were able to get married that way too with someone compatible. One can even filter to just swipe or see Muslims near you or in a certain area. Lastly, work on yourself, building your skills, strength, and health/confidence, and Allah SWT will naturally bless you with a partner. Lol, there was a 17 year old guy, really mature for his age.... in Pakistan ....who went to fight in the name of Islam in Afghanistan, as he has no one to take care of , no financial obligations, and his zeal is very strong in Islam. When many brought up marriage, he was so controlled and mature, He told them he plans to be with his hoors in the afterlife 💀💀 Mashaa Allah. They told him, hope he kicks ass and Allah SWT blesses him with a wife in this dunya too if feasible. So many options brother, and possibilities, don’t rush it, that’s what I did when I was younger, with a liberalized Muslim, and regretted it. Looks are not everything Akhi! Some Hijabi’s are liberal hoe-jabi’s brainwashed. But just because there are a few bad apples, doesn’t mean that all the good apples have vanished.

There is a reason why many fighters abstain from releasing leading up to a fight. There are many scientific publications on the bad health effects of releasing to p0rn, specified on the nofap forum threads...and hundreds of years of teachings from bhuddism, Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism/Ayurveda that have in their scriptures about its dangers, deteriorating, and aging effects. Once you realize, then your real eyes start seeing the real lies that have been mass-implemented for further degeneracy and health/spiritual decline. Releasing to virtual p0rn and not a healthy partner IRL... actually over-stimulates neurological dopamine receptors in a way where it leaks a stress response between gut-brain axis, causing loss of control, anxiety for lust, and drug like characteristics.

Now the gut microbiome. Taking care of thyroid/endocrine health is essential in order to take care of gut health, vice versa, they work hand in hand. One of my buds is a microbiologist that is trying is hardest to get this info, but pubmed and parenting agencies are making it very difficult because they know how much money they will lose seeing people thrive. Anyways, he used to have his own private clinic that I assisted with back in India. Lots of people with digestive issues, from constipation to diarrhea, to food allergies, etc went to him. He would explain how the semen contains beneficial probiotic bacteria and when one is constantly releasing it, it down regulates many organs and digestive functions, causing food malabsorption since bacteria in the gut heavily assists with the breakdown. People tried taking probiotics to try to negate the negative effects of self releasing....but it is not native microbes, so does not populate the gut/organs properly, and there are many strains in semen that actually cannot be extracted to just simply make a product out of. When a man has sex with a female, no condom, there is beneficial bacteria from the female that is actually transferred from the vaginal juices into the penile hole, and vice versa of the man cums inside the female. Even if the man were to wear a condom, and having to release inside a real female partner, certain bacteria actually proliferate due to the realistic scenario it triggers. Another is muscle/tissue tightening that occurs when self releasing, which can cause stagnant organ/muscle disfunction for its proper circadian rhythm. We saw many who dealt with constipation, also had a history of masturbation, and when scans were done on their internals, many organs/tissues/intestinal passage ways were squeezed due to the history of forced contraction and lack of productive relaxation. We also saw a huge improvement in that department within a few weeks of them stopping and also many of their acne/hormonal problems cleared up too. Same went for people with loos stools, as they did not have enough bacteria to bulk up stools which self releasing can deplete. There are many strains of bacteria that actually are responsible for eating certain anti-nutrients in foods, like spinach which is loaded with oxalates than can cause someone kidney stones...unless they have the Oxalobacter formigenes strain which assist in the break down of it. That was one of the strains my bud discovered in semen. Just like the ocean, we have yet to discover 1% of it, and of the unique human body....or perhaps we did, but profiteering and corrupt elites keep that from us. Sometimes the answer is so complex, yet simple in plain sight, but we might just be in the maze of brainwashed conformity. Sometime the best scientific justification is the observations you analyze, trials you run, being bound to see positive results.
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