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Short Story By Raniya Green. [New House Chronicles]
So Lizzy how do you like the house? It's great mom thanks! No problem sweetie. Wow! this is my room I will have my posters there and my pillows here oh and my lamp on this dresser. Wait what's that *Lizzy rubs the carving on the dresser* hmm its probably nothing. *Later that day* Goodnight mom love you. *Lizzy said* Goodnight don't forget to brush your teeth. *Lizzie mom said* I wont! *Lizzie gets out of bed and goes into the bathroom,as she is brushing her teeth she hears a loud thud* Who's there?
* She walks to the closet inside the bathroom where she heard the noise, she opens the door but nothing is there* Weird. * She continues to brush her teeth then goes back to her room to lay down* This house is giving me the creeps already. *Lizzie lays down and goes to sleep* *Midnight, boom! the lamp on the dresser falls* hmm *yawns* how did that fall? *Goes downstairs to get the broom* Where is the broom I was sure mom put it here.*As she is looking for the broom she sees a figure* Who's there? *The shadow moves* Hello! * She walks toward where the shadow was,she sees nothing* Mom is that you? *No answer* This isn't funny mom. *Lizzie says slightly raising her voice* I'm going back to bed.*Lizzie begins to walk back to her room when she sees her mom is sleeping in her bed peacefully looking like she haven't moved for hours* Mom. *Lizzie shakes her mom* hmm. Yes Lizzie? Mom were you just downstairs? *Lizzie mom looks at her in confusion* No I've been sleep. Well somebody was then they just disappeared. *Lizzie's mom turn pale and her eyes widen* Mom whats wrong? Lizzie behind you! *Lizzie's mom says shaking* *Lizzie turns around slowly and then her mom screams* Lizzie! No!
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